D'uccle Thread

hoping that i choose right and these 4 are d'uccles but what color?

chick 1

chick 2

chick 3

chick 4

Blue Mille Fleur, Mille Fleur, Golden Neck, Golden Neck and all of them good looking little ones too!
Okay I'm going ask again. If I breed my Black Mottled d'Uccle to my Mille will that be bad or doable?

Being as they are both mottled you will get chicks with mottling some with a mix of both patterns and some like the parents, Won't know til you breed them I would love to see what it produces, I was going to breed my black mottled hen to Blue Mille Roo but he didn't take interest in her
. a different color mottled is what i would expect from the cross. Who knows maybe you will create a new color mottled!
Okay I'm going ask again. If I breed my Black Mottled d'Uccle to my Mille will that be bad or doable?

i would try it and see what happens 

im going to breed my self blue to my porcelain (yes i know there can be problems with this pairing) im hoping that since my self blue is hatchery it will work out alright only trying a few breedings and hatchings will i truly know for sure

When I bred my porcelain to my Mille, man every chick was a different color. I did get 5$ a piece for each of them. I am going to try this. I have not forgotten you. I have 2 Milles and one blue mottled hens and the roo is black. So in a few weeks I will see what I get and see if you still want.
ok mstricer thank you...

oh i hope yall are right about that one being a blue mille, i have been wainting one for awhile now, since they are hatchery i expect a few flaws but if they are anything like my self blue in my avatar they should be pretty good and all their foot feathers are great nice and heavy (not to much and not to little)
now i am just waiting to see what genders i have with the golden necks im hoping for a pair and the other 2 i really want girls as i have no room for any more cockerels right now (but i can always build another pen if need be trying to avoid that though lol)
Hey everybody, this is our barb d'uccle. His name is Micky and he's very teritorial. He bit us several times, but we love him eather way.


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