Duck eggs day 21 Air cell photos and Incubation pictures

They figured out how to use the heat plate. I guess the daytime temperatures are too warm for them to care to use it. At night they go under it.

All 28 ducklings are still alive and most of them are doing great.

Speck is doing better. Speck still falls on his back sometimes, but I’m sure she/he can see. I did use eye antibiotic on her eyes yesterday. I’m giving her vitamin b drops every day and also nutridrench in her water. My main concern is that she is sooo tiny. And not growing as fast. But she’s lively, eats and drinks.

Div, the last duckling to hatch, the full assist duckling, is still tiny but eating and drinking well and walking more and more. She’s 48 hours old now. She’s about half the size of the ducklings who hatched first.

I just want to thank everyone who gave me advice during this incubation and hatch. This site is a literal lifesaver. Without this site, I wouldn’t have been able to recognize a bruise on the wrong end of the egg, and take action to save adorable Ruu who is the most precocious and ridiculous duckling ever. Special thanks to @Miss Lydia and @New duck mommy 2021 for all your help🥰

Here’s a picture of Div, Speck, and the duckling who used to be sticky. They are separate from the others so they don’t get trampled. Speck is the one in the middle
Another weird thing Speck does is run in circles, and lose balance by tipping forwards or backwards. I wonder if she could be blind in one eye. She’s fairly hyperactive overall, but at least she doesn’t get so freaked out by things anymore
My duckling liked to perch on top too but thankfully mine came with a dome so they couldn't. I will say this those are some adorable ducklings but your going to need a bigger brooder asap. Ever thought of a "large" kiddy pool with fencing or cardboard around the outside? They make great brooders.

I'd give Speck some liquid B drops too. They all look so good and boy to have so many hatch and make it is awesome. I am glad to have been here to experience it all.
The kiddie pool is a good idea. I actually have them in 3 separate brooders right now: 14 are in the half of a dog crate, 11 are in a plastic tub, and then Speck and his pals are in a cardboard box. I also have a big wooden box that a friend used to brood chicks in, and I’m going to clean it up and see if I can make it work. It’s about twice the size of the dog crate.
I’m worried that Speck has failure to thrive. She’s just so tiny. In some ways I see improvement: less falling on her back, better head control and more normal drinking, less reactive. But also still not eating a ton and of course super tiny.

Today I started feeding her a wet mash of feed (non-medicated chick starter, nutritional yeast, and water) and she seems to eat it better. I’m going to add a bit of hard boiled egg too. I’m continuing the vitamin B, nutri-drench, and today added a drop of vitamin E.

I know maybe I’m already doing everything I can, but I want to give Speck the best chance possible 🤞😢
I’m worried that Speck has failure to thrive. She’s just so tiny. In some ways I see improvement: less falling on her back, better head control and more normal drinking, less reactive. But also still not eating a ton and of course super tiny.

Today I started feeding her a wet mash of feed (non-medicated chick starter, nutritional yeast, and water) and she seems to eat it better. I’m going to add a bit of hard boiled egg too. I’m continuing the vitamin B, nutri-drench, and today added a drop of vitamin E.

I know maybe I’m already doing everything I can, but I want to give Speck the best chance possible 🤞😢
Ducklings shouldn’t have medicated feed
Go with non medicated
Check her vent for pasty butt
It can happen more then once to certain ducks
Add nutritional yeast the feed 1 tbs to 1 cup feed
Try Nutridrench or poultry cell in the water
My fingers are crossed for your baby

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