Duck Hatch-A-Long ~ Wanna Join?

It is a call, the breeder gave me a long list of possibilities (pretty much any color
) And now I have 2 more hatching
can't wait to see what colors they turn out to be. Oh and the bator is a Brinsea Mini Advance, love that little thing!


So is the Mini a forced air or still air?
The one that was pipped at the wrong end hatched! I had family stop over for a bit and it took me away from the bator and it hatched in that time. I was so glad I left it alone! It is smaller than the others and looks tuckered out. So far I have the one light one, 2 blacks with white bibs (one is the little one that pipped wrong) and one that has the mallard pattern but blue instead of brown? I tried to take a pic, but it is just to foggy to get a clear pic. I have one egg that has not hatched, and I see no pip. I guess I'll give it another day to see.
The one that was pipped at the wrong end hatched! I had family stop over for a bit and it took me away from the bator and it hatched in that time. I was so glad I left it alone! It is smaller than the others and looks tuckered out. So far I have the one light one, 2 blacks with white bibs (one is the little one that pipped wrong) and one that has the mallard pattern but blue instead of brown? I tried to take a pic, but it is just to foggy to get a clear pic. I have one egg that has not hatched, and I see no pip. I guess I'll give it another day to see.

The mallard looking one may be a blue fawn
Glad your baby hatched alright!
Poop. I got some not so good news today...3 ducklings have hatched but the other 9 eggs aren't doing anything, they don't look like they are moving. I hope they are taking a rest. Here's a pic of one that hatched yesterday. What color would this be?

I woke up this morning to this
and the last four eggs all have pips, so just leaving them alone and hopefully today more will hatch. I left the one that piped at the wrong end, I didn't want to hurt any of the others. Any ideas on color?


The one that was pipped at the wrong end hatched! I had family stop over for a bit and it took me away from the bator and it hatched in that time. I was so glad I left it alone! It is smaller than the others and looks tuckered out. So far I have the one light one, 2 blacks with white bibs (one is the little one that pipped wrong) and one that has the mallard pattern but blue instead of brown? I tried to take a pic, but it is just to foggy to get a clear pic. I have one egg that has not hatched, and I see no pip. I guess I'll give it another day to see.

Glad the backwards duckling hatched! I have bad luck with wrong way pippers. Lost the most recent one.

Poop. I got some not so good news today...3 ducklings have hatched but the other 9 eggs aren't doing anything, they don't look like they are moving. I hope they are taking a rest. Here's a pic of one that hatched yesterday. What color would this be?


The first baby of my current hatch arrived while I was at work. It's an adorable little rouen.
So so cute !

Poop. I got some not so good news today...3 ducklings have hatched but the other 9 eggs aren't doing anything, they don't look like they are moving. I hope they are taking a rest. Here's a pic of one that hatched yesterday. What color would this be?

Alas there will be just the three little call duckies...I can't wait to pick them up!

The person hatching them opened the other eggs as he could see absolutely no movement. Two had pierced the membrane but he thinks drowned, so perhaps the humidity was too high?

Anyhow I'm happy to have 3 little duckies!
Alas there will be just the three little call duckies...I can't wait to pick them up!

The person hatching them opened the other eggs as he could see absolutely no movement. Two had pierced the membrane but he thinks drowned, so perhaps the humidity was too high?

Anyhow I'm happy to have 3 little duckies!

Pics of the 3 when you get them home!!!
UGH broody quit last night. Went in to see her on a perch - how is it I have silkies that won't even last 10 days!!! Maybe it was too "busy" around her lately. But of course, 9 of 9 saxony eggs have great vessels (and 4 of those were in the fridge for several days). THey were stone cold so don't know if any will survive (it was end of day 9) but threw them in the bator. I always thought silkies could hatch rocks, these 2 black ones have failed me twice so far. Good thing they are darn cute!

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