
In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 7, 2008
Richlands NC
I recently aquired three ducks that have been roaming up and down are road. I spoke to everyone within 3 miles and no one owned them. So me and my wife caught them. We did not want them to get hit. But we do not know what they are. I will try and post pics but here is a description till then. They have Blue bodies and heads(Like Blue in Poultry not bright blue) there chests are Reddish deep brown. There legs and feet are bright Orange and there beaks are pinkish. They do this weird wing adjustment thing all the time. They are definetly domestic ducks but also have the ability to fly not a little but for some distance. I was thinking Swedish blue based on body shape but all the swedes I see do not have all orange legs and feet.
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Sounds like a mutt breed; possibly blue swedish and mallard. They may be a domestic x wild mallard cross. Anyway, have fun with your ducks!

Make sure if you pen them, to give them lots of greens (grass, romaine lettuce ect.) and a 18% or so grower/finisher. If they're laying eggs, feed them layer pellets (pellets reduce waste).

Try not to feed them mash, since it can clog up their nostrils and throat, and they can choke to death.
Provide fresh water for them all day, and if you must, you can take it out of their pen/house for the night to keep it clean. But take their food out too.
They look very much like a Muscovy x Roeun drake I once owned. Are these ducks able to quack or do they just whisper? Do they tend to nod their heads & wag their tails? Do they look like they are "swallowing invisible raindrops"?
Maybe a muscovy golden cascade cross...i just went through all the pics on feathersite and didn't really find anything...i'm stumped!
They do not quack. They make the same sounds as my Skobies. They shake there tails sometimes. I do not know what you mean by the rain drop comment.
Yep when I first saw them I thought scovy.

The rain drop thing means bobbing their head up and down I think. They are amazing to bad they cant breed.
Um, the weird 'scovy thing where they move their heads up & down while opening & closing their beaks? A little one in the family called it catching invisible raindrops several years ago so that's how we refer to it & think of it (sorry).

My best guest is one of the Mallard derivative x Muscovy crosses. They (crosses) seem to not get the carunckling but they do get the pink beaks & orange legs like the 'scovies. They also don't have the voices. I've had half a dozen of so of these mules over the years & they are always striking in the way they look as adults & are rather low key in personality.

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