Duck Incubation time.. (first timers)

look what I found sitting on eggs when I got home!
out of 8 duck eggs that went into lockdown 8 hatched! Wow I started with 12 eggs and hatched 8 babies
I took a quick video this morning of quick candling of our 8 Ancona duck eggs that were shipped from Nantahala Farm in NC to our farm in OK. I followed the advice of those here in incubating the eggs in a vertical position and just tilting them frequently for the first 3 days. Then I laid them down in our Incuview incubator and let the automatic egg turner take over the turning job from there. The eggs were completing day 5 of incubation in this video. We are thrilled and hope they continue to progress well and that we will welcome Ancona ducklings about March 23rd to our farm! :love

Hopefully third time is a charm.. setting 12 eggs tonight, my Pekin for some reason has stopped laying eggs, either that or she is waiting till she gets out in the morning and hides them. Either way i have 12 eggs in incubator, might add the eggs from the next two days to them as well. Going to keep humidity in the 30s? What is the best range for humidity for a forced air (fan) incubator? 1-10 days.
Hopefully third time is a charm.. setting 12 eggs tonight, my Pekin for some reason has stopped laying eggs, either that or she is waiting till she gets out in the morning and hides them. Either way i have 12 eggs in incubator, might add the eggs from the next two days to them as well. Going to keep humidity in the 30s? What is the best range for humidity for a forced air (fan) incubator? 1-10 days.

For me 30% works best. I really hope you get babies this time!

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