Duck Incubator


University of North Quackalina
10 Years
Aug 23, 2009
I am gonna take the next step and get an incubator, for my duck eggs.
Any tips or suggestions regarding anything I should look for would be greatly appreciated.
So far I love my Dickey cab incubator. Humidity and temp are spot on regaudless of the fact that I get huge swings in the room temprature here. I don't have a single room that holds a steady room temp, so this is a pretty good testing ground for that. Not to mention Ernest Dickey is a fantasitic person to deal with. He really encourages you to call, or email, with any questions and is pretty patient. This is my first time incubating and it is pretty effortless so far.
I really like my 1588 Hovabator Genesis with an electronic thermostat! Also I have the Hovabator 1583. I really like that one because it is so easy to make quick changes if the temp. gets a bit high or low because you just turn the wafer thermostat. I'd reccomend both because I'm having great hatches and development in all my duck eggs in them so far.
It depends on how much you will use it. For the occasional use I can only recommend the Geneses 1588. You can always paint the inside with liquid caulking to make it more washable.
I have a brinsea eco 20 that i've used to hatch ducks and I

Right now I have ducklings hatching in an LG still air that only cost $41 at Tractor Supply!

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