Duck is Stumbling, Falling, Flipping Over - Any Advice? - *Video*


9 Years
Jun 10, 2010
Paragon, IN
Picked this guy up the other day. My wife likes special needs animals. He stumbles, falls over backwards, then had trouble uprighting itself. Was told it's about a month old.

Well, that's on the to do list for today. I just stuck the poor thing in there for a bit last night. The thing is, He does the same thing on carpet, linoleum, grass, gravel, dirt, etc... However, it walks better and flips itself over better on the linoleum! Grass is the hardest for it. I started adding Merrick's Blue Ribbon to its water last night.

I'm definitely going to be adding a rubbery material at the bottom of his little box, tho.

For some reason, I want to lean towards it being weak legs.

He swims like a champ, btw. I stuck him in the tub the other night and he made lap after lap at full speed.
The swimming sounds like good physical (occupational?) therapy... I would keep that up and maybe with time he will get stronger and better balance?

Don't know what Blue Ribbon is, but vitamins couldn't hurt?
Blue Ribbon is a vitamin/electrolyte pack containing a bunch 'o vitamins, including a niacin supplement. Powder mixed in the drinking water.

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