duckling got leg stuck in weeds ripped its skin off

Sorry i havent Updated i awhile, we have been having Internet problems.
He is doing great. If there wasnt a scab on the top you almost can't tell what leg was hurt!

Im thinking him and squirt will be moving in a week or so. Hes not going back outside until he is 100%
His name is Squacks the biting duck! He even comes running when i say squacks, dont you bite me this time., he honks Then bites me its a daily thing hahaha

Aww, that's cute!! Wow, isn't it great how well they heal and you've done such a great job getting him well. Thanks for the update.
Squacks is almost fully feathered out. Squirt has doubled in size. I think Squacks will be all feathers when he gets out!

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