Dumbing down of America

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I'm with you!
I just posted on a thread where the OP had no punctuation whatsoever between the sentences. No capitalization, no punctuation, no sentence structure.

I'm no spelling or grammar queen but it has gotten worse over the years. My children would bring home papers with half the words misspelled and the teacher would put a 100% on the paper. When I asked her about this, she stated that she was content that the child grasps the concept or meaning of a story and spelling and grammar was only secondary.
It does get old does it not. Then the teachers have the gall to say "dont blame me". I think that if teachers had to compete on a yearly basis for their jobs we might see kids continue to learn.

I am not saying all teachers are lazy but a whole bunch of them are.
Sooooooo with you on this. I'm not sure, but, one thing that has bugged me for a long time is the spelling of doughnuts. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I was suprised to find out people have been spelling the word doughnuts as - DONUTS- for so long, it was put into the dictionary as a correct spelling of the word DOUGHNUTS. IDK, I know its just a word, but where does poor grammer acceptance begin and end? Or am I wrong on this one?

P.S. Am I the only one kinda paranoid about my spelling and grammer while posting to this topic?
I have a hobby of taking pictures of signs I see with horrible misspellings and poor grammar. My favorite one so far, taken on the outskirts of Hope, AZ:

I just took this one at the movie theatre the other night:

The one in Hope really amazes me. Somone ordered the sign, someone else took the order and created the sign. It was then looked at and put in place (actually it's two signs, one on each end of town), and in all that; no one noticed the error or thought it significant enough to change. Unbelievable. The coffee one just makes me sad. I'm betting that even if the sign were pointed out to the person who wrote it, they wouldn't recognize it as a mistake unless it was explained to them.
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What's really funny isn't even the misspelling as much as the irony that the sentence is about being beyond hope! Clearly!
It bothers me some that people will misspell or misuse a word when typing because you can always go back and correct it before hitting enter. Not doing so just seems lazy to me. However when speaking in person, I am not so offended. In general people mean well and are just trying to tell you something. I go on the policy that as long as we all know what we are trying to say its fine. At some point I would feel rude interrupting someone repeatedly to correct them. Its an unnecessary task if I already know what they are trying to say.
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