dumpster trip

It is a cop-out that you are not an adult. You are obviously old enough and mature enough to 1) know that it's wrong; 2) feel sad for the poor unfortunate creature; and 3) post about in the intelligent manner you did. Man up (or woman up) and stand up for the poor little animal. If you can't go out there yourself, then call the police. What does it take to make a phone call? If you don't do anything about it, you're almost as bad as the person who dumped it. I'm not trying to be mean, but come on!
Wow... those poor innocent animals. I could NEVER sleep at night thinking about how they WILL die.
I cant even say what i want to... i just cant. Some people are just so cruel and SICK!

Why do people post things like this?
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Come on everybody. You know that MiniatureCochin is a minor so don't you think it's out of line to start attacking them? They reported to their parents and as adults it's hard sometimes to understand that some/most kids do what they're told by a parent. To say that this person is almost/half/fractionally as bad as the dumper is ridiculous and out of line. Hostility is part of the reason that some people don't report rescues. I took 5 kittens to a rescue on Friday and I was told by several people that they couldn't help and why couldn't I just keep them. I do agree that someone should be/should have been alerted but to attack a young person is hardly helpful. Let's try to show the same compassion to humans that we show animals.


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