ear infections SO PAINFUL they are back again

So sorry
I hope you get to feeling better! be sure to take care of yourself!
chickenbottom, find a good CHIROPRACTOR.

I had chronic ear infections as a toddler. My parents took me to their chiro because nothing else was working. I have not had an ear infection since. Not one. EVER.

I hope you find relief quickly.
That's weird. My mom took me to the chiro too after a mild car accident when I was 12. I kept going till I was about 16 or so. Ironically, 12 is when I had my last ear infection, and they came faithfully once or twice a year every year for my whole life since I was an infant up until then.

Chickenbottom, I really hope you feel better soon! So sorry about your gram.
That's weird. My mom took me to the chiro too after a mild car accident when I was 12. I kept going till I was about 16 or so. Ironically, 12 is when I had my last ear infection, and they came faithfully once or twice a year every year for my whole life since I was an infant up until then.

Chickenbottom, I really hope you feel better soon! So sorry about your gram.

thanks i would drive up and see her but my car is shot and i cant ride a bike like 40 miles

Ear infections can go to your brain.... if it does that you die.

This is so true. A friend of ours died last winter from what started out as an ear infection. He didn't want to go to the doctor and the infection spread into surrounding tissues and bones, when it got to his brain it killed him. He had a fever of 105 when they found him and he died before they (ambulance) could get him to the hospital.

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