Early morning attack, Please help!

I'm very sorry, I know this is hard. Never easy to have a hurt animal. How much suffering is going on, how much time you want to put into her, all choices and judgements you have to make. It's very hard to make a judgement from a still picture on the internet. In general, I will give them 24 hours and reassess (assuming that the injuries are not obviously unsurvivable). Does she have injuries to the ear area on both sides of her head? Hard to determine from the pictures. Just wondering if she may have been bitten or squeezed there which would possibly be pretty serious. I tend to err on the side of time, since it's often hard to know and they can bounce back from some awful stuff. If a bird has some fight in it, I tend to give them a chance. Time and patience is often the hardest thing. But if you legitimately think that she's suffering and there is not hope for recovery, then the decision to end that would be understandable. We all give advice based on our own experiences, but each case is individual, every situation is different, and ultimately the owner has to make the decisions on what the right thing to do is. :hugs
There are many here, I am sure, besides me who are following along and caring but really have nothing helpful to say so are just remaining silent. But do know that we care, too. :fl:hugsBBH.

Thank you, and I complete understand. There are many times I really can't help either.

I'm very sorry, I know this is hard. Never easy to have a hurt animal. How much suffering is going on, how much time you want to put into her, all choices and judgements you have to make. It's very hard to make a judgement from a still picture on the internet. In general, I will give them 24 hours and reassess (assuming that the injuries are not obviously unsurvivable). Does she have injuries to the ear area on both sides of her head? Hard to determine from the pictures. Just wondering if she may have been bitten or squeezed there which would possibly be pretty serious. I tend to err on the side of time, since it's often hard to know and they can bounce back from some awful stuff. If a bird has some fight in it, I tend to give them a chance. Time and patience is often the hardest thing. But if you legitimately think that she's suffering and there is not hope for recovery, then the decision to end that would be understandable. We all give advice based on our own experiences, but each case is individual, every situation is different, and ultimately the owner has to make the decisions on what the right thing to do is. :hugs

I agree that this is only something I can decide on, it such a hard decision. I will try to get some more fluids in her when my daughter gets home, if I can then I will wait and see how she is in the morning. If not then I just don't know. Yes she has wounds on both sides of her head. Her right side is worse then the left side that you see in my last pics. I'm pretty sure she was bit from the top of her head. I will get a video of what shes doing with her head and neck after we try to get more fluids in her.
It's natural to feel distressed over something such as this. You aren't alone. We're here to support you in this crisis. You must trust your judgement. You have on site intuition we lack. I agree this is so serious that a good outcome is looking less likely, but try to feel okay to wait until morning to see if she's capable of improvement. Chickens can surprise. I've read many threads where the discussion has been reduced to going over methods to euthanize where the OP reports the patient has made a miraculous recovery.

If by morning, she's not improved, here's the best method of euthanasia I've used. https://the-chicken-chick.com/how-to-humanely-euthanize-chicken-by-dr/
It's natural to feel distressed over something such as this. You aren't alone. We're here to support you in this crisis. You must trust your judgement. You have on site intuition we lack. I agree this is so serious that a good outcome is looking less likely, but try to feel okay to wait until morning to see if she's capable of improvement. Chickens can surprise. I've read many threads where the discussion has been reduced to going over methods to euthanize where the OP reports the patient has made a miraculous recovery.

If by morning, she's not improved, here's the best method of euthanasia I've used. https://the-chicken-chick.com/how-to-humanely-euthanize-chicken-by-dr/

Thank you so much! :hugs you and @coach723 have been so helpful with all of your advice. I really hope my daughter can handle it emotionally to hold on to Marty while I try to get fluids in her. She's 17 and never had to deal with something like this. I'm going to take your advice and wait till morning and see what happens, because you are right in how many times a bird as suddenly come back from deaths door and because she really does have a heck of a fight in her. I wrapped her in a towel trying to keep her contained while I syringe her and she manage to fight her way out of it. I might have to try something like an ace bandage wrap. May or may not work, but I have to give her a chance. I have her in my spare bedroom and I will sleep with her tonight, I hope my snoring doesn't scare her :oops:.

If I still feel she should be culled in the morning then I will try to use the broomstick method, thanks for the link. I will be praying to god that I don't rip her head off, I don't know that I could take that. The worst part will be being alone when I have to do it. I've been crying all day just thinking about it.

I really didn't think racoons were a problem in town here, as I've lived here for 13 years and have never seen one. But the print appears to be a racoon print, It could be a skunk but I didn't smell one when all the ruckus was going on. No matter what it was, my trap is being set tonight, my game cam will be set, my gun is loaded and most importantly the other three girls will be locked in the coop tonight.
My daughter and I managed to get 2ml in her. One save a chick and one plain water. I took this video of whats happening with her neck. I feel bad because the first time I let her head fall back a little hard, but I felt you guy's needed to see the full extent of it. She is sleeping now in my daughters lap.

Poor thing. Her ear(s) looked like they were damaged, were you able to get a look at those?
The neck movement is so sad to see. You are doing what you can for her.

I have not really been able to get to close a look at the ears I'm going to take a damp cloth and see if I can clear anything away from them. I'm really worried about the neck. We laid her in her box and she has not moved at all yet. Can I give her anything for pain? Is there anything I should do to help stabilize her neck other then the towel to support it? She seems most comfortable lying on her side with her legs out and her head and neck on the rolled towel.
I have not really been able to get to close a look at the ears I'm going to take a damp cloth and see if I can clear anything away from them. I'm really worried about the neck. We laid her in her box and she has not moved at all yet. Can I give her anything for pain? Is there anything I should do to help stabilize her neck other then the towel to support it? She seems most comfortable lying on her side with her legs out and her head and neck on the rolled towel.
So sorry for you and your girl :hugs

Chickens can have Aspirin for pain, but since we're not sure if she has any internal bleeding or anything a blood thinner probably isn't advised.

Is she able to move hear head/neck when she's fighting you during syringe time?

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