Eastern Tennessee Thread

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We bought a high powered pellet gun. Very little sound and does the job. We try to shoot them in the hinney as a warning the first time...second time is a kill shot.
We have fox here but never see them..and ALOT of possum and raccoon. Have caught them on our deck looking for cat food. I just slip around from the back to the front and take care of them. (Raccoon is tasty if cooked properly). We don't leave food out at night but they can still smell it. Raccoons will also attack and kill cats. I use to have a pet one so I learned a great deal about their behavior..only difference is I got mine as a 4 week old kit and the cats would beat it up...so he was scared of the cats instead of aggressive towards them. In Jefferson Co. any dog entering another persons property can be put down if a threat to you, your family, your pets or your livestock. This is the words straight out of our Animal Control Officer when he came out to give our neighbors a warning. He is new in the position and very strict. I know his family and they raise cattle so he understands the frustration some of us feel.

I think everyone in my area weathered the storms OK...just had an amazing amount of wind. No matter how much stuff you tie down there is always something in the back of the field to retrieve.

Locking down Lavender Orps in the morning!!!!!!!! Hope this hatch goes well...the price was costly so I have got to have a good hatch:fl.

One trick out TWRA agent taught me about electric fences and predators. If raccoons...put little pieces of aluminum foil on the fence with peanut butter on them. They cannot resist it and get a really nice shock!
If dogs..slab some canned dog food...same for possums.
I think I'm going to have to invest in electric fencing. I hated the stuff on my grandmother's farm and swore I wouldn't ever have it, but I think it would probably help deter coyotes better than hardware cloth. If I hadn't been home yesterday morning, that coyote would have kept bashing against it until something gave. Or he would have started digging... an eighteen inch skirt wouldn't do much good against a coyote with nothing but time on its hands. (paws?)

Good luck on your hatch!
The government brought the coyotes into the area to help manage the wild rabbit population. Well..of course obviously SOMEONE did not have a clue as to how quickly coyotes procreate. Now..they are a nuisance and a real problem to livestock. I feel that since the government brought them in...they should be responsible for taking them back. THEY are not having to feel the loss of livestock which most times equals a monetary loss. I hope things work with the fence. Remember to put some tin foil pieces on it with a little dog food spread on it. They get a little tongue tingle!!
The government brought the coyotes into the area to help manage the wild rabbit population. Well..of course obviously SOMEONE did not have a clue as to how quickly coyotes procreate. Now..they are a nuisance and a real problem to livestock. I feel that since the government brought them in...they should be responsible for taking them back. THEY are not having to feel the loss of livestock which most times equals a monetary loss. I hope things work with the fence. Remember to put some tin foil pieces on it with a little dog food spread on it. They get a little tongue tingle!!

Someone told me that a ranger told him, if you shoot a coyote, cut off the ears and tail and bring those to the ranger station and they'll give you 20 dollars for each one you can show proof you shot.
The government brought the coyotes into the area to help manage the wild rabbit population. Well..of course obviously SOMEONE did not have a clue as to how quickly coyotes procreate. Now..they are a nuisance and a real problem to livestock. I feel that since the government brought them in...they should be responsible for taking them back. THEY are not having to feel the loss of livestock which most times equals a monetary loss. I hope things work with the fence. Remember to put some tin foil pieces on it with a little dog food spread on it. They get a little tongue tingle!!

Someone told me that a ranger told him, if you shoot a coyote, cut off the ears and tail and bring those to the ranger station and they'll give you 20 dollars for each one you can show proof you shot.

Someone told me about 2 years ago. That Lake City had a bounty out on coyotes. First they ask for just the ears and later changed to ears and tail. Because someone had brought in dog ears.
Someone told me that a ranger told him, if you shoot a coyote, cut off the ears and tail and bring those to the ranger station and they'll give you 20 dollars for each one you can show proof you shot.

Someone told me about 2 years ago. That Lake City had a bounty out on coyotes. First they ask for just the ears and later changed to ears and tail. Because someone had brought in dog ears.

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