Eastern Tennessee Thread

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HAHA!! Yeah, I can't remember what we cooked him as, just know he ended up in the crock pot... couldn't stand him any longer.

On another note - my facebook is always having problems, ugh!
I can't get the chat to work... said try again in a few hours...

I'm thinking here soon I'm gonna do a fertility hatch on my BLRW eggs. I might throw a Leghorn egg in there to see what I get...
Well I guess I can cross OE off of my list of breeds I will never own, because of Bob. I don't anything about the LF, but she hasn't uttered a peep since she hatched her chicks. I don't think I would actively go out and add any to my flock, but I would willingly make room for one if it needed a home.

The only ones that remain on the list is any of the moderns. Those things creep me out!!

ETA: @Stang, that little thing couldn't have given you more than 6 oz. of meat!!
Im with you there Stang. I think all chicken breeds are "cool" in their own way, but I certainly would not own a game either.
And you remind me that I sooooo wish we could train Harley to use a litter box, I got all wet this morning taking him out only to have him do #2 in the basement before I was in long enough to get my shoes off. And his # 2 aint exactly small, its like a 4 paper towel clean up.

I feel your pain. I had a 150lb dane that got incontinent in his old age. Never fun when you "discover" that whoopsie early in the morning up half of the stairs.
We do get a run on Sourwood, but the supers are filled with the bloom from Yellow Poplar and Black Locust in East Tennessee.

Black Locust didn't do so well last year because of a storm that blew through and knocked all the bloom off.

It is a dice throw on what they get to work from year to year.

Welcome to our little part of the world here. You mentioned bees. There is a man about 3 miles from me who is really big in bees. I know he goes to quite a number of seminars and speaks at some of them. He really taught me a lot about them. He has a friend who brings his hives here when the sourwood are in bloom and because they bloom later at his friends...when they bloom there he takes his up to them. So most of what he sells is sourwood. I am trying to remember his name, He has a wood mill and I bought all my lumber from him. I am sure he would be at some of the functions up your way.
You can never go wrong adding chickens!! Course I am a bit partial.
Finally after a 9 month wait.....my Crele Polish laid her first egg!!! I have been so excited since I saw the male was doing his "job". When I saw the egg...I slowly reached in and got the egg. Petted the hen telling her she did a wonderful job. I had gloves on so I cuddled it between them..walked out the hen house...and DROPPED the egg!!!!!!
I was ticked off to say the least. The gloves where thick and I did not feel it slipping out. It did not crack open so when I got in I opened it and it was fertile. So....next egg goes into a carton straight from the pen.

I hatched out my first F3 lavender orp yesterday....a second is trying to make it out tonight. I am so very excited about this spring and having my own eggs to hatch and sell.

Well....been a long day...everyone keep warm!!
Finally after a 9 month wait.....my Crele Polish laid her first egg!!! I have been so excited since I saw the male was doing his "job". When I saw the egg...I slowly reached in and got the egg. Petted the hen telling her she did a wonderful job. I had gloves on so I cuddled it between them..walked out the hen house...and DROPPED the egg!!!!!!
I was ticked off to say the least. The gloves where thick and I did not feel it slipping out. It did not crack open so when I got in I opened it and it was fertile. So....next egg goes into a carton straight from the pen.

I hatched out my first F3 lavender orp yesterday....a second is trying to make it out tonight. I am so very excited about this spring and having my own eggs to hatch and sell.

Well....been a long day...everyone keep warm!!

So happy it was fertile though. Hoping for a good hatch for you also....I hit lock down Wed. PM on the maiden voyage of the small back up I built. We'll see if I can get one out of 11, lol
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Hey guys! Hows it going? Sorry I havent been on this thread lately. Weather is making me lazy!
So I believe I just bought the biggest australorp hen In the world. Shes vigger then my jersey giant( just laying)
Also me and okla-doodle-doo hung out yesterday. He got some bunnies, I got a lionhead buck( double mane) and im looking for a small doe perferbly a white with dark ears and nose, or blue eyed.

Putting in a ton of green eggs and jersey giant/ blrw eggs. Whoohoo
my cat refuses to use the litter box also, so needs to be let out, and wouldnt use it even when gone and locked her in master bedroom storage with it, and just yowled and waddled to the door when i got back from being gone for a day or so. nutty cat. she also is so much more louder than my dog, though outside they are opposites and he is loud when playing with neighbor children, and she just stalks silent and runs up and gets into things from sidelines occassionally.

Sounds like your cat has urinary calculi.

It causes him pain when he or she urinates and they associate that pain with the litter box.

You may need to switch your cat to a low ash food to prevent this.

When our current cat reached maturity, we started him off on it from that day and have had no problems.
If it is urine calculi switching to bottle spring water will do the trick. I had a cat years ago that almost went into surgery for this. Got him home and read an artical in Cat Fancy about it being the water. Since we already were getting North Caronlina bottled water we switch all the animals over. Cleared it right up and no more problems. At the time I was feeding everyone Pro Plan and I never switch off of it after switching water. The low ash food does not always work if water has high minerals in it.

Sounds like your cat has urinary calculi.

It causes him pain when he or she urinates and they associate that pain with the litter box.

You may need to switch your cat to a low ash food to prevent this.

When our current cat reached maturity, we started him off on it from that day and have had no problems.
It was party-time in the chicken run today!

I raked leaves out of the front yard (about four months too late) and dumped them into the chicken runs and you would have thought I was Santa. I had the run door open but nobody would leave because they were too busy digging and scratching. The leaves had lots of worms and sprouts in it from all of the rain. They were so happy.

I was on a roll so I thought I would take a little 3" diameter sapling that had fallen into the Orp run so they would have more roosting space and would stop playing king of the mountain on the measly three feet I had provided them. Unfortunately, I didn't consider how hard it would be to fit a fifteen foot tall sapling into a twelve foot wide run that was covered in a shade cloth. I kept getting it caught on the shade cloth, chicken wire, and welded wire. I look like I was wrestling the stupid thing. It was an all out cage match. By the time I got it into place I managed to jab myself with it's pokey limbs about fifty times. I am black and blue, so I think the sapling won.
Redid my rabbit barn to increase usable space! Now I'll have enough room for 9 holes! :) possibly 10 if I reorganize and make the white unused cage in the back of the photo a hole. A lot of work! But I'm excited, hope my REW doe is preggers...
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