EE or Americauna???

Chicklette 1

9 Years
Jul 8, 2010
I have been reading as many threads as I can but still cannot determine if I have an EE or Americauna. Anybody out there that can tell me??
She has not started laying yet so she is still young. Very flighty but I am working on taming her. Is she grey or blue?
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Easter Egger. She's got the proper silver duckwing genes in her, but she also has some blue in her as well.

Often as a general note, if someone is wondering if their bird is an Ameraucana or Easter Egger - It's an Easter Egger.
Yes, because purebred Ams are rare and EEs are so common. To complicate matters many folks, who don't know any better, call their EEs Ameraucanas. I have both and love them both. My EEs have the sweetest natures (although they are not laying now and I miss the green eggs)!
Yes, because purebred Ams are rare and EEs are so common. To complicate matters many folks, who don't know any better, call their EEs Ameraucanas. I have both and love them both. My EEs have the sweetest natures (although they are not laying now and I miss the green eggs)!

Just out of curiosity what shows to you so quickly that she is EE? Trying to learn this myself!
Easter Eggers are very common, usually someone wondering which they have means its an Easter Egger, and this particular hen is not a recognized Ameraucana color. She's close, and she's got what appears to be slate legs, but her color isn't quite right.

This is the closest, a Silver Duckwing.


But she has blue in her, which is muting the duckwing and also just plain showing blue come in. I've been noticing this as a trend with Easter Eggers from hatcheries - In the last two years they've suddenly been spitting out a lot of EE's with blue in them.
Yes the olive green legs were a dead give-away. A true Ameraucana has slate colored legs and EEs often have greenish colored legs. The only approved varieties of true Ameraucanas are black, blue, buff, white, silver, brown-red, wheaten, blue wheaten. Although your EE has some of the silver characteristics it is missing many and with ameraucanas (as with all pure breds) it's all or nothing. Here is a great post that covers the topic in detail...

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