Eeeeeeeeeeeeekkk!! Pissed Off Putty Tat!! Save Me!!


RIP ?-2014
12 Years
Apr 20, 2007
only the shadow knows.....
My 16 year old, 7lb grey tabby. Bashful, recently had surgery for cancer. She's got something or other sarcoma. Vet thinks she may have gotten it all. She has yet to act like she is sick. Bashful is an indoor outdoor kitty. She prefers to be out, unless it is cold, rainy or both. She can no longer hunt rabbits, squirrel or wood rats, but she will set outside our shed for hours until a poor unsuspecting mouse crawls out.

A week after surgery, she decides to pull out her staples and ends up "unzipping" her entire side. Back into surgery to stitch her back up and insert a drainage tube. She has 2 more days before she is to go back to the vet and get the stitches and tube out.

I'm not going to survive!! She has started taking out her frustration on me. Biting my toes. Poking me in the side. Climbing my leg while I was making dinner yesterday. She hasn't started going after the dog yet, but I'm sure that is coming.

I've tried giving her "kitty drugs" (cat nip) but she only naps for awhile afterwards

How many toys does she have inside?? Sounds like she might be a bit bored
Heck mine do that even when they aren't bored
Best toy on earth.... ring off a milk jug or a wadded up piece of tin foil.
OOh, i know what you mean..
When i had to put one of those collars on my cat to keep him from ripping out his eye stitches he was a little brat!. Good luck! LOL
oh yeah, she has the collar of shame now. I fenagled it so that she can eat and drink but not get to the stitches.

She's got tons of toys. I pulled out "fresh" ones that have been in new cat nip for about a month.

To top it off she has OCD when it comes to cleaning. When she starts to take a bath, if you touch her she has to start all over again. If you touch her again she attacks you. She can't get all her fur because of the "collar of shame". which is making her even crazier.
Sounds like ya have your hands full with that kitty...

You'd think with her being 16 years old she would just lay on the couch or something but noooooooooooooooo. Well, I guess she gets it honestly. Her Momma was named Psycho Kitty
Aw, I hope your kitty gets better quickly.
I know what you're going through. Kitty is still terrorizing me for having the audacity to make her an indoor cat.
The collar of shame changes everything! How dare you put that on such an old persnickety girl
Just a few more days, it will be over then
They do get cranky at having their cleaning routine bothered when they get older don't they? Our 11 year old will just about take your hand off if you upset her cleaning
Oh and the people at the vet's office think she is oh so sweet. Little gravelly meow. Constantly loving on them as they work on her. They don't hear her after we walk out the door!

Have you seen that Road Runner cartoon where Wilie orders a "Wild Cat" from ACME and all you see is a dust storm and claws flying? That's nothing compared to the LouLou Belle!! (aka Bashful)
Oh, those collars are murder, on dogs too. I imagine they're ten times worse on a cat. I feel your pain. Connie

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