Egg is stuck

You’ll have to break it up a bit so she can eat it but two should be sufficient
Tried that didn't work. I mixed it in a little water she took one drink then refused more. I put it in the crate with her along with some feed and I'll check on her in an hour. I have a hen on top of the run I have to get down anyway. Good Lord what a night! Have to water until she goes to sleep then I'll grab her put her away. My goodness.
@Unswydd how is your pullet?

She's in crisis. This is not just a prolapse, this is a prolapse with stuck egg.

You may be able to save her and work the egg from the prolapsed tissue or not.

She needs to be brought inside where you can work on her and kept somewhere that flies can't get on the exposed tissue nor other chickens peck at her.

Can you find the opening where the egg is supposed to come out?

It's extremely important that you try to get the egg out and that the tissue does not dry out. You can use just about any type of lubricant that will help the tissue stay moist - vaseline, coconut oil, prep H, organic honey, anti-inflammatory cream, etc.

WATCH the video below. Tums can help after you get the egg out, but it needs to come out.

If you need to, get some more clear well-lit photos and post them, I'll see if I can help find you find the opening.

@Unswydd how is your pullet?

She's in crisis. This is not just a prolapse, this is a prolapse with stuck egg.

You may be able to save her and work the egg from the prolapsed tissue or not.

She needs to be brought inside where you can work on her and kept somewhere that flies can't get on the exposed tissue nor other chickens peck at her.

Can you find the opening where the egg is supposed to come out?

It's extremely important that you try to get the egg out and that the tissue does not dry out. You can use just about any type of lubricant that will help the tissue stay moist - vaseline, coconut oil, prep H, organic honey, anti-inflammatory cream, etc.

WATCH the video below. Tums can help after you get the egg out, but it needs to come out.

If you need to, get some more clear well-lit photos and post them, I'll see if I can help find you find the opening.

I'm in a tent at the farm. I don't live here noone does. It's owned by my church and there's nothing here I can use as a lubricant other than olive oil I brought for my breakfast. Can I use that? She's quite lethargic right now as I just checked on her again. I will watch the videos now. Thanks
Yes I can see the opening quite well. I need to clean her off tho there's quite a bit of blood.
@Unswydd how is your pullet?

She's in crisis. This is not just a prolapse, this is a prolapse with stuck egg.

You may be able to save her and work the egg from the prolapsed tissue or not.

She needs to be brought inside where you can work on her and kept somewhere that flies can't get on the exposed tissue nor other chickens peck at her.

Can you find the opening where the egg is supposed to come out?

It's extremely important that you try to get the egg out and that the tissue does not dry out. You can use just about any type of lubricant that will help the tissue stay moist - vaseline, coconut oil, prep H, organic honey, anti-inflammatory cream, etc.

WATCH the video below. Tums can help after you get the egg out, but it needs to come out.

If you need to, get some more clear well-lit photos and post them, I'll see if I can help find you find the opening.

Ok. After watching the video I think I'm going to go home where I can actually work on her and have the necessary items to help.
I camped out here because I'm integrating 2 flocks and needed to be here but they appear to be fine and I'll just have to come back early in the morning. I can keep her at home in the brooder for a while while she heals.
Thanks everyone for your helpful responses.
Oh dear!
Taking her home may be a good idea, she's going to need to be worked on. Even at that, sometimes they don't make it when the egg is stuck like that.
Please keep us posted on how you and she are doing.

To answer your question though - yes, if you are not able to get home for some reason, you can use the olive oil to lubricate/keep the tissue moist.
Oh dear!
Taking her home may be a good idea, she's going to need to be worked on. Even at that, sometimes they don't make it when the egg is stuck like that.
Please keep us posted on how you and she are doing.

To answer your question though - yes, if you are not able to get home for some reason, you can use the olive oil to lubricate/keep the tissue moist.
I've soaked her and there is no opening to help the egg come out of the sac. I'm at a loss. I've tried to push it back in and got it in twice and she pushes it back out of course so I don't know what else to do now.
I've soaked her and there is no opening to help the egg come out of the sac. I'm at a loss. I've tried to push it back in and got it in twice and she pushes it back out of course so I don't know what else to do now.
I was hoping you could find the opening, every once in a while, you can, but most of time that's not possible.
You can try treating her like in the video, but I would recommend that you start her on antibiotics if you end up cutting the tissue.

She's young and this is the first egg, so chances are good that if you are able to repair this, she will prolapse again on the next.

Is any poop coming out at all? If not, then she's totally blocked and will not last too long.
I'm not trying to be discouraging, just honest and straightforward so you know what to expect.

Is vet care an option at all? Vet care is $$$ and a lot of times vets will not even see poultry, so I understand if not if this is not an option.
It's almost midnight and I am helpless for this beautiful bird. My heart is freakin breaking over a chicken. Good grief all I can do now is wait. She's in a brooder with water and crushed up Tums. I'm just lost here. I feel like it's just a waiting game now. I'm so sorry. I just can't help her.
I was hoping you could find the opening, every once in a while, you can, but most of time that's not possible.
You can try treating her like in the video, but I would recommend that you start her on antibiotics if you end up cutting the tissue.

She's young and this is the first egg, so chances are good that if you are able to repair this, she will prolapse again on the next.

Is any poop coming out at all? If not, then she's totally blocked and will not last too long.
I'm not trying to be discouraging, just honest and straightforward so you know what to expect.

Is vet care an option at all? Vet care is $$$ and a lot of times vets will not even see poultry, so I understand if not if this is not an option.
There's no poop at all. I was hoping there would be. I don't have any antibiotics for her, how would I get them in her if I did? Dosage? Even if she makes it through the night I couldn't afford a vet visit.
It's almost midnight and I am helpless for this beautiful bird. My heart is freakin breaking over a chicken. Good grief all I can do now is wait. She's in a brooder with water and crushed up Tums. I'm just lost here. I feel like it's just a waiting game now. I'm so sorry. I just can't help her.
There's no poop at all. I was hoping there would be. I don't have any antibiotics for her, how would I get them in her if I did? Dosage? Even if she makes it through the night I couldn't afford a vet visit.

:hugsI'm so very sorry, my heart aches for you:hugs

Antibiotics would need to be ordered online, so it would take a few days for you to get them. For something like this, I would give Amoxicillin. Dose is 57mg per pound of weight given twice a day for 10-14 days.

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