Egg Song?


In the Brooder
Apr 9, 2015
My EE has been waking up every morning about 530 and making this screech clucking noise (i took video but cant post it). She is only 16 weeks .... do they sing BEFORE they start laying? When I looked she seemed irritated ... pacing and pecking the fence. She does this every morning!

I know they sing before/after they lay but she's still pretty young. We haven't even put the nesting box in her coop yet.

Any idea what is going on?
Has this been going on for awhile.?
I read about egg bound chickens and it freaked me out so I've been watching my girls closely. Other than that my chickens screech when they get scared or when they want out of their run. Most of the time my egg laying chicken will screech after she's layed an egg and she won't stop till we get it

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