Egg Trades Again Anyone? READ! Golden cuckoo, blrw, etc


9 Years
Feb 21, 2010
Ok, last year i offered egg trades with everyone and had a blast with it!! So here goes again! LOL!! Here is what i have to offer: Golden/Cuckoo Maran eggs, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Black Jersey, Giant Blue Cochin, Coronation/Recessive light sussex, etc. There will be other breeds as some just got separated and need the 2 wks with that appropriate roo, and check for fertility. is what i would be interested in, but not limited to...because like i said i like to have fun too!
I need Welsummer, Buckeyes, Speckled Sussex, LF Salmon Favorelles, Giant Partridge Cochin, Buff Orpington, Blue Wheaten Ameraucauna, Black Copper Maran, Blue Copper Maran, Blue Splash Maran, Silkies, Mille fleur d'uccle, Porcelain d'uccle, Buff Brahma bantams, Dark Brahma bantams. Like i said... any offers can be made though...i am sure i could of forgot something! These are some of my breeds that could use outcross though, and some work to get the flock built up more. I also wouldnt mind blue/black/splash long as they are the true ones and lay blue eggs. I also like blue/blue splash orpingtons!

The way we did it last time worked well... anyone that is interested just post on here what you have to offer, and what you are interested in. Then i get back to you on here with a post and PM... accepting, and a tentative date to do the trades then. Everyone pays to ship their own eggs, since it is a trade...which seems fair to me. The shipping should end up about the same anyway, either direction. Any Questions...just PM me or post on here. I will try to check this often. Lets have some fun!!!
ooo this sounds really cool! now are we trading with others who post too or are we just posting to trade with you?
sorry just making sure!!
I might be interested in trading a few of these in a week or two. maybe for some Blue Laced Red Wyandottes

Red laced white cornish bantams
I have speckled sussex bantams but the laying is sporatic at the moment. When the weather warms up again and stays that way i'm sure i'll be getting more eggs. I also have silkies. I have a b/b/s pen, a partridge pen and a white pen. I also have sizzles but they aren't laying yet.

I can't offer any eggs right now but i'll be watching this thread for sure.

What I always look for are silkies, right now partridge and b/b/s in particular. Giant blue or black cochins, blue or black orphingtons, ducks of any flavor. Who knows what I may be looking for when my girls go off strike. They've been sitting all winter and I have a large shipment coming so they are getting a break before they arrive. After that they will get a break for the summer.
I have welsummer, black copper maran, EE, or pekin duck eggs that I would like to trade for turken, showgirl, or any large fowl frizzle eggs. You can mix and match if you would like. There are other large fowl I am looking for but these are my first choice.

My birds are not hatchery stock and produce quality chicks.
Waa,Waa, I really, really want Golden Cuckoo marans, but I have nothing to trade. I do have Black Australorp Roo and Hens, but they are in with Buff Orpington, and GSL hens and I wouldn't know which eggs would be the pure BA
I can offer pure Coronation Sussex eggs from Greenfire Farms bloodlines; or Smooth Breasted Saddleback Sebastopol Geese eggs (Buff or Gray color) from Holderread lines. Pictures of the geese are on my webpage.

I am interested in French Golden Cuckoo Marans, French Black Copper Marans, French Blue Copper Marans, French Wheaten Marans, Any color Orpingtons (except Buff), Buff Sussex, Light Sussex, Red Sussex, pure Lavendar, Silver, Blue, or Chocolate Muscovy ducks.
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Sounds fun. I have buff orpingtons,rir, black australorps,black jersey giants, mixed color polish,Delaware, mixed color silkies, and I just bought a flock of buckeyes. It will probably take a while for them to start laying. Oh,and I have barred rocks. Plus I have access to guinea eggs.I want blrw, lavender orps ,americauna, silkies, buff Sussex.
I forgot to note,all are LF except the silkies. Add wanted,salmon fav's
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I have bantam Buff Barred Cochins and silkie-feathered Ameraucanas (not Silkie crosses).
I would be interested in true Ameraucanas if you have them, or possibly Marans depending on the egg color.

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