End Of The World 5/21/11!!!!!!


Christianity as you view it isn't the only religion that claims if you don't believe as they believe you go to hell/ bad place, away from creator/ paradise/suffer some form of punishment.

how do you know you pick the right one?

Maybe you should practice Mormonism. isn't it safer to be a Mormon and be assured of paradise rather than risk being cast into outer darkness.

if it is better to believe a religion and be on the safe side then not believe it and risk not going to heaven (which is a lousy reason to convert to a religion, IMO) then how can you possibly believe in all the religions that say this and cover your bases and make sure you're not punished for picking the wrong belief?

Christianity as you view it isn't the only religion that claims if you don't believe as they believe you go to hell/ bad place, away from creator/ paradise/suffer some form of punishment.

how do you know you pick the right one?

Maybe you should practice Mormonism. isn't it safer to be a Mormon and be assured of paradise rather than risk being cast into outer darkness.

if it is better to believe a religion and be on the safe side then not believe it and risk not going to heaven (which is a lousy reason to convert to a religion, IMO) then how can you possibly believe in all the religions that say this and cover your bases and make sure you're not punished for picking the wrong belief?

Easy. You look at historical and circumstantial evidence, and use logic and reasoning to determine which one stands up to scrutiny. I won't go deeper into it here, but feel free to PM me if you want.
The only unforgivable sin is unbelief for those there is no hope. What denomination you choose really is a personal choice and I really think God knows that. Some say Ghandi was a Christian because he could not have done what he did in comparison to the way a Christian is supposed to be. I probably will get some crap for that.

For me what the Christian Jesus offers is better than any other religion offers. People of Jesus's time were drawn to him he did not put up flyers like some do. He wants you to come willingly not out of a sense of duty.

You ask a good question and my advice is not to rely on someone at a church telling you you are going to hell, that may be true or not be true. God made it very plain and simple he ask you to believe what his son did. If you were a paraplegic in a wheelchair incapable of any movement at all how would you be saved? Believe is about all you could do. People have added a lot to God's offer. Mormonism offers a very good plan they take very good care of you and are very family oriented but I must be one to get the full benefit package and that reminds me of a country club and I am not interested in that membership. Not picking on Mormons just an example because some are caught up in Glen Beck movement. In jest a fellow said this once "I am in the sinning business and God is in the forgiving business who could have thought of a better arrangement?"


Christianity as you view it isn't the only religion that claims if you don't believe as they believe you go to hell/ bad place, away from creator/ paradise/suffer some form of punishment.

how do you know you pick the right one?

Maybe you should practice Mormonism. isn't it safer to be a Mormon and be assured of paradise rather than risk being cast into outer darkness.

if it is better to believe a religion and be on the safe side then not believe it and risk not going to heaven (which is a lousy reason to convert to a religion, IMO) then how can you possibly believe in all the religions that say this and cover your bases and make sure you're not punished for picking the wrong belief?
Christianity as you view it isn't the only religion that claims if you don't believe as they believe you go to hell/ bad place, away from creator/ paradise/suffer some form of punishment.

how do you know you pick the right one?

Maybe you should practice Mormonism. isn't it safer to be a Mormon and be assured of paradise rather than risk being cast into outer darkness.

if it is better to believe a religion and be on the safe side then not believe it and risk not going to heaven (which is a lousy reason to convert to a religion, IMO) then how can you possibly believe in all the religions that say this and cover your bases and make sure you're not punished for picking the wrong belief?

Easy. You look at historical and circumstantial evidence, and use logic and reasoning to determine which one stands up to scrutiny. I won't go deeper into it here, but feel free to PM me if you want.

I think I'll decline, do not try to teach a grandmother to suck eggs.

(before anyone thinks that saying is dirty, it's not. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teaching_grandmother_to_suck_eggs
Christianity as you view it isn't the only religion that claims if you don't believe as they believe you go to hell/ bad place, away from creator/ paradise/suffer some form of punishment.

how do you know you pick the right one?

Maybe you should practice Mormonism. isn't it safer to be a Mormon and be assured of paradise rather than risk being cast into outer darkness.

if it is better to believe a religion and be on the safe side then not believe it and risk not going to heaven (which is a lousy reason to convert to a religion, IMO) then how can you possibly believe in all the religions that say this and cover your bases and make sure you're not punished for picking the wrong belief?

what ever makes you happy.
well the day came and went. only things I saw flying upwards were birds and Cicadas.

I hope no one gave up too much or lost too much in preparation for this.

Christianity as you view it isn't the only religion that claims if you don't believe as they believe you go to hell/ bad place, away from creator/ paradise/suffer some form of punishment.

how do you know you pick the right one?

Maybe you should practice Mormonism. isn't it safer to be a Mormon and be assured of paradise rather than risk being cast into outer darkness.

if it is better to believe a religion and be on the safe side then not believe it and risk not going to heaven (which is a lousy reason to convert to a religion, IMO) then how can you possibly believe in all the religions that say this and cover your bases and make sure you're not punished for picking the wrong belief?

I have always wondered why anyone wants a God that punishes you for not believing in him. It's too much like pledging fealty to a king or something. Only difference is you know the king is there and will have your head cut off.
:O It's the 22nd are we all dead yet? Nope? Okay, back to my normal life while the werdo that predicted this sits there in shock.
What will these people think of next? Stay tuned to find out.

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