Ewww, that’s GROSS!!!

Hello fellow peeps!

I was thinking about this group and all the different experiences with chickens we all have. I’m really curious as to see.... What’s the yuckiest thing you’ve ever seen your chickens eat??? Now I know it’s not always good to have your feathered friends eat strange things, but I had to know!
I’ll get first:
One of my hens found a dead baby mouse( mousling?), and picked it up by its tail and ate it whole!!!!! She then acted as if nothing ever happened!:lau

Again, just curious!
The two worse I've had was have a rooster swallow a small mole whole, and a young cockerel drink septic water :sick

Frannie my feisty Bantam Cochin had a blast eating blood! Another hen had a small injury on her foot that left a spot of blood here and there when she walked. Frannie thought it was a tasty treasure hunt.

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