Excel spreadsheet for tracking expenses and income from chickens

I emailed you for a copy
thanks again!!

just got back into town. Thanks for the input. Keep it coming. My wife will be home this weekend. I will ask real nice to get the corrections. I am making an enclosure outside for her brussels griffin so he can run around free and not escape. Just email me for a copy of the file.
thanks, Steve
my lovely wife has made the corrections. I am going to play with it some more tomorrow to make sure we got all of the glitches out. I think we do, but we have to do the conversion to the 2003 version and see how that goes. Almost done.
Hi everyone. This is Steve's wife. He's off at work, but I wanted to let you all know that I've put the spreadsheets up for you on our website. All 4 versions (simple and expanded in Excel 97 and Excel 2007) are there, so pick your poison. The address is http://www.hardinsonline.net/chicken_tools.htm. I tested the download, and it worked for me, but let us know if it doesn't work. No promises, as I'm a complete newbie at the whole website thing, but I'll do my best. ~Ann Marie
Hi Ann Marie

I just downloaded the version 3.0 for Excel 97-2003. Impressive!

One question;
on your monthly eggs collected per day (Cell C39 on each month) you have a formula of =IF(SUM(C35:E35)>0,SUM(C35:E35)/COUNT(C4:C35),"")

If I'm correct, I ~think~ that last "C35" should be a "C34". I don't think you want to count cell C35 (the total) as an egg laying day.

But, I'm not sure how this cell figures out if you had no brown eggs but had colored and white eggs each day. So I could be up in the night. I'm just trying to figure out how it all works.

I haven't read the entire thread. Got any simple instructions? (most of it seems intuitive...)

Ann Marie, thank you for all of your hard work, and for the excellent tour of your lovely family home - it's gorgeous! I love the floorplan. Fantastic job on the website
Oh yea, and the spreadsheet's pretty nice, too!

Your're right. I need to count c4 through c34. I'll fix it and post an update. The cell is actually summing the totals of each type of egg and dividing by the number of days, so I actually should count the B column rather than the
C column. I'll post the update today and let everyone know when it's online. Good catch, and thanks. And no, I don't have instructions. It should be as easy as it seems.

Ann Marie
Your welcome, glad I could help.

This is probably somewhere in the thread, but I have a question. I'm just starting out and have 12 checks (9 weeks old) that obviously aren't producing eggs yet. Do I wait until I get my first egg to put in the amount of hens I have, or do I put the chicks in now?


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