Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

@pitterpattter hope your hubby doesn't get too jealous.... Those pillows end up being your best bed buddies! Pregnancy and birth is so amazing. Did you know that babies start learning language at 5 months in utero, when they start hearing... Cool hunh?
Gee, thanks
So has anyone else been having crazy dreams? I ain't telling about mine - except to say I was rescued by the Incredible Hulk ROTFL

What was THAT about??!!

I also keep going back with - do I want to keep chickens, or just do away with chickens?? I just am not into them recently like I used to be. I'm more excited about the baby and don't really want to focus my attentions on anything even remotely related to farming or poultry
Night before last I had a dream where aliens had invaded and taken over Earth and I was working for them (corporate building, way mundain feeling) but I was also a member of the resistance and I was trying to figure out a way to hurt the aliens and escape the building without leading them to the resistance. Oddly paranoid to me. Oh, and there was this computer hacker lady I was trying to free too.

As to the chickens; I've lost interest in them a good deal too BUT I've heard others mention it and it seems to be temporary. You'll loose interest until late pregnancy / after you deliver but then you may regret it if you've given them all away. I've had to activly try and stay interested and now I'm starting to get actually interested in them again (38 weeks). It's just part of the hormones going nutsoid. You'll notice you're probably not as interested in some other things that you used to think were awesome too. Computer games for me. I used to spend about ten hours a week playing WoW (addictive game, that) but I haven't touched it since I was about 8 weeks. Just zero interest.
oh how I miss those crazy dreams, and dreams all together. I think it requires more than 2 hours sleep to have dreams

I know I belong in the new parent thread, but I would miss you guys too much

Taking Shane for our first big outting today, gotta get the disability ppwk from work, bring it to the Dr and then if I have the energy and time we are gonna head to my moms. I hope it's not a total cluster. Trying to time driving and feeding as I haven't started bottle feeding and would like to wait until next week to introduce the bottle as we are just startingg to get the hang of breastfeeding. My DH hates breastfeeding and cannot wait to introduce the bottle. (I sense a small amount of jealousy there, poor guy)

hope y'all are doing well, enjoy the middle of the night bathroom runs as they are much easier than middle of the night feeding/changing sessions
I know how you feel, I've been feeling the same lately. I have been just doing the bare minimum as far as feeding, watering and cleaning. Most days I let the kids gather the eggs (used to be my fav part) and I dont spend much time in the yard with them. I feel sorry for them, poor chookies. They arent getting as many treats either- but I did go to farmers market the other day and get them some cauliflower and grapes, I just had someone else feed it to them.

I think its totally normal to be hyper-focused on ourselves right now, and what is going on with our bodies. Not to mention the lack of energy can make us really re-prioritize what needs to get done as far as chores.

My opinion is for you to keep them until baby is a few months old. Try to delegate chores for now. You will know better if they still fit into your life after the first few hectic weeks after baby is born. For me, I think I will be glad for the distraction of them after baby comes. I will be glad for the excuse to go outside and be physically active sans baby on my hip or boob. And once baby is more aware of his enviroment, the flock will give him visual stimulation and a good reason to go outside. And if none of that is motivation enough for me, they will simply have to be re-homed. I can always start over someday, when I am ready. But no way am I making such a big choice right now while I am hormonal and exhausted and distracted.

As for preg dreams- yeah, they can be a hoot! Mine are usually pretty steamy for some reason, almost look forward to them some nights
Okay--I had one last night...

I was at work and a lady I work with (Native American) was telling me to needed to deal with my "dogs." She held up a flash card and it was a WOLF! I went to the back door--which was then my parents' house and the backyard I had when I was growing up--that hasn't been that way in 12+ years. Anyway--I open the door and there are two huge wolves on the back porch. It is dark outside. I then pull out a blue light bulb and put it into what looks like an outdoor fireplace (like one you have on your patio, that's made of steel). So then it lights and that is apparently the wolves' signal to go? I remember thinking in my dream that I wasn't going with them tonight because I'm way too tired but that I'd go the next night.

Then I notice that when I came outside, I had left the backdoor open and my cats were escaping onto the deck. Nigel (who is always an outside cat had been laying against the house (on the deck) the whole time--but Butters & Nelly were creeping out the door...and so was Gallagher (who in "real life" has been missing & presumed dead since 2009). So I scared Nelly back into the house by stomping on the deck. And the same worked for Butters. But when I tried it with Gallagher, I accidentally stomped his tail and he turned into a black butterfly! (He was a black cat). So then I'm trying to herd this tiny, black butterfly (in the dark) back to the house and into the door. My glasses (which I hardly ever wear) kept slipping down my nose and then I couldn't see the butterfly at all. I would push my glasses back up and think he was gone and then find it him again. He was heading over the fence and my glasses FELL off my face. I had to bend down and pick them up and put them back on and he was gone.

Then I woke up because I really had to pee.

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It's too funny how detailed your dreams are... mine have been the exact same way here lately. I can remember every single detail and can recite it like I'm reading a book - DH thinks it's funny that I can sit there for 20 minutes telling him every step of it

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