Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

I wouldnt even respond to such a nasty person. Ignore the troll 100%!!! How inexcusably rude of her to pass judgement on you guys, or to try to act like you guys are in some way at fault for circumstances beyond your control. Sheesh. I think someone is VERY jealous of you guys and is just trying to harsh your love buzz and joy over your new baby.

Waaayyy to many judgemental idiots out there, try really hard to ignore them, they are just trying to undermine your confidence for some reason. All that matters is your health and baby Lukes health and your family being together. You owe NO ONE any explanation for what went on during the birth of your child! Your real friends will show nothing but concern, love and support, NOT condemnation for ANY reason. YOU ROCK and are obviously a wonderful, caring mom and did the best for your baby, so what is her problem?

I think you guys did the right thing to delete her and I wouldnt even give her the time of day after such cold-hearted remarks. Forget her and dont reply anymore- she's a mean person and you dont need that kind of negativity in your life.

My hubby had a friend for over 25 years and he was my friend for several years until the day he told mutual aquaintences and business associates that we had no business having a 5th child. That was the absolute end of our friendship. Period. I refuse to speak to him and my hubby ignores his calls and emails. NO ONE talks crap about us or our reproductive choices.
Kelsey - I find it amazing that she would be so bold. Even if she did feel this way, she should keep her mouth shut & just pray. She acts as if she was there in the room with you, or something. I, myself, have had two c-sections, neither of which were my choice, and one of which wasn't medically necessary (I learn after the fact) -- I HATE c-sections, btw -- but I understand that sometimes there's just no other alternative to prevent fetal demise. Sounds to me like y'all made the right decision. The outcome was less than satisfactory, but everything in the longrun will be just fine. You will still have an amazing bond, and should still be able to breast feed. Bill's decision to get some rest was not selfish, and Luke will never know the difference. Phooey on your "friend" - God bless her and help her to learn her place!

Regarding nipple confusion on the earlier post - I think it may very well vary per baby. Both of my girls had breast, Avent bottles with pumped milk (I'm a milk cow, btw), and a pacifier. There was never any confusion, and we'll be doing the same with Caroline. In fact, I had no choice but to give my oldest a bottle b/c she was plucked from me d/t preeclampsia at 36.5 wks. She was too small to latch on, and so I pumped until she grew. I will not lie, it was EXTREMELY frustrating to get her to latch on -- in fact, it took two weeks! She would cry and I would cry, but finally it worked! She nursed for 18 months! My youngest nursed for nine months, and we stopped then b/c she started to bite me b/c she thought it was funny...little stinker.

I have friends, tho', whose babies did seem to be confused by the nipple changes, so you just have to base all that off of your baby's response and your motherly instinct. First time moms, I promise you'll be able to tell!
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I would say that b*tch is crazy and ignore her!
I really like my back support (http://www.motherhood.com/Product.asp?Product_Id=922000113&MasterCategory_Id=MC32) - it works miracles when I put it on, but the one that MsFuzzyButts got seemed nice too. I think that one was cheaper than mine also - always a plus!! You might consider just browsing the amazon website and read the reviews on a bunch of them... unfortunately, I think the best one varies from person to person, just based on body type and need. I did learn that the high support belts are best for people who are on their feet and walking all day - if you do a lot of work on a computer like I do, you want one with a lower level of support so it doesn't dig into your back.

Good luck deciding!!

Thank you! I work 9 hours per day with about 75% of that being on the computers--but according to my pedometer, I also walk about 1.5-2 miles per day...so I am also on my feet a lot...
Ms.FuzzyButts :

This is the one I got... http://www.amazon.com/ITA-MED-Gabri..._1_cc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1305599431&sr=1-1-catcorr It provides medium support. I spend about an equal amount of time between being on my feet and sitting at a computer. It is comfortable enough when sitting or bending over, that it doesn't dig in or pinch and it stays put without riding up or inching down. I agree with Springchickens though! It does look the one with strong support might tend to bind and dig in when sitting. So it would be more suited to someone on their feet all day. Good luck.... Although I don't think brand or cost matters to much as long as it provides a little back support and a "wheeled cart " for your belly!

Thank you! I don't think I looked very hard at that one because it had no reviews and no sizing chart?
I'm feeling baby girl move a lot more now. My youngest son keeps rubbing his hand on my belly and saying, "I'm petting the baby in your belly, mommy!" lol
Isn't it neat? When are you due again? My baby has gotten a lot more active...sometimes to the point it hurts...the worst is at night when I'm trying to sleep!
Today, it felt like someone was rolling a tennis ball around in my uterus...it didn't hurt but for sure felt weird!
This is the one I got... http://www.amazon.com/ITA-MED-Gabri..._1_cc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1305599431&sr=1-1-catcorr It provides medium support. I spend about an equal amount of time between being on my feet and sitting at a computer. It is comfortable enough when sitting or bending over, that it doesn't dig in or pinch and it stays put without riding up or inching down. I agree with Springchickens though! It does look the one with strong support might tend to bind and dig in when sitting. So it would be more suited to someone on their feet all day. Good luck.... Although I don't think brand or cost matters to much as long as it provides a little back support and a "wheeled cart " for your belly!

Thank you! I don't think I looked very hard at that one because it had no reviews and no sizing chart?

You are right.. I linked to the wrong one..
But the one that I actually got shows up as a strong support now. I bought medium support. I guess Amazon changes item numbers or something. Because it shows a strong support in my cart and that isn't right...
As for a sizing chart, I had to go to a seperate website.. I wish I could remember what it was!
Anyway, it just said to measure halfway between your hips and your waist.. Which is basically an inch or so above your pubic bone.. Or that's where the bottom of my baby bump is. This link has the size chart in the photos. You just pick out what your measurement is and pick out the closest size. I fell right under a size, so I go that next size up. That will give me room to grow. Hope that helps.
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Isn't it neat? When are you due again? My baby has gotten a lot more active...sometimes to the point it hurts...the worst is at night when I'm trying to sleep!
Today, it felt like someone was rolling a tennis ball around in my uterus...it didn't hurt but for sure felt weird!

I am due September 16. I'm 22 weeks 3 days, and have only been feeling movement since 19 wks 5 days, so I'm happy to be feeling her moving more!
I think we're in a similar situation. Depending on the day, I do anywhere between 25-90% of my work on the computer, but it tends towards mostly computer work. I walk 2-3 miles a day on average (but also have days like today when I walk 10.2 miles
), but sitting is when I tend to get my worst back pain, and when I'm most likely to wear my belt. If you do most of your work on a computer, I would say go for medium support because the strong support is really uncomfortable when sitting, at least for me.

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