Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

I was checked around 36+ weeks both times. I delivered my first at 37 weeks 2 days and my second at 38 weeks. I see two midwives and I can remember one of them saying that they don't like to check patients until 37 or 38 weeks, but the other one had checked me at 36+ weeks with DD#2 and I was dialated to 4.5cm. They tell me I'd deliver this baby around the same time as I did with the other two. So I'm assuming that I will be checked out at 36+ weeks again.

RFF -- what a cutie!!!
We cried looking at that little heart beating so fast on the first ultrasound. And the little arms and legs siezing... So wonderful!

I cried too!
I believe it was at 36 weeks if I remember correctly. I recall 4 and I had Shane right on schedule. It wasn't painful or anything, I thought it was exciting and it got me more ready knowing how dilated I was. at 36 wks I was already 2cm and at 39 weeks I was 4cm.
I did that thing you are not supposed to do while pregnant.... cut off all your hair
I had been growing it out to donate and my sister (hairdresser) lopped it off last night, it's in the mail today to Locks For Love! Got me a true "Mom cut", guess I am one step closer to being prepared for this little monster!
Had some time to kill this morning (rare these days!) and thought I'd read over this thread a little, so I'm just now seeing your news... CONGRATS!! I hope you have a wonderful, easy pregnancy... and I'm very happy I will NOT be joining you this time.
Have an appointment tomorrow. We'll see what damage I've done to my weight during Christmas day. Hehe! I did enjoy all the food, but the appetizers and chocolate pie got me. Yummy!!!!! Hoping I didn't gain a lot of weight over a two week period of time. We shall see!

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