Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Congratulations to Krote on your new little one. I'm looking forward to your birth story and some pictures when you get a chance!!

Update on myself: I am 10 weeks 3 days pregnant now, everything is looking good. I am having to go in to my RE/OB every week due to some spotting, but it is almost gone now. I was supposed to be getting weekly ultrasounds, but I have been only doing every other week because it costs so much money and time to drive all the way to Tacoma and back. Last u/s was amazing!!! Baby looked like a gummy bear and was very wiggly, moving all over. My daughter, Hannah (4), was there and knew right away that was the baby and when he/she moved Hannah goes, "Awwwwww". So sweet!
I'm out. Just found out Thursday we have a blighted ovum. I was given the choice to wait it out and miscarry naturally which could take many weeks or have a d&c next week. Being that there was no fetal pole that tells me the baby has been gone since before 6 weeks and I'll almost 11 weeks along now. So no telling now long till it would happen naturally so we have elected to go the d&c route.

Good luck ladies! I'll be back!
I'm out. Just found out Thursday we have a blighted ovum. I was given the choice to wait it out and miscarry naturally which could take many weeks or have a d&c next week. Being that there was no fetal pole that tells me the baby has been gone since before 6 weeks and I'll almost 11 weeks along now. So no telling now long till it would happen naturally so we have elected to go the d&c route.

Good luck ladies! I'll be back!

We'll be waiting for you!
I'm so sorry :(

I went through the same thing last year.

I'm tentatively back.. first test was negative, second was positive. morning sickness is coming and going. My boobs are leaking.
because of last year, I can't let myself feel hopeful and happy until after I see a heartbeat on a scan. I have an appointment to see a doctor on Wednesday.
ok, so maybe people thought me saying I was rejoining this thread at the same time as expressing my sorrow was tasteless or something.

I was trying to say that this time last year I was heartbroken, and that there IS hope.

I was also partially hoping that I might get some support and maybe someone might be pleased for me.
I'm sorry if I accidentally caused offense.
Ebwy2- No offense here. Congrats on your positive!

I go in tomorrow morning to have a d & c. Its funny the nurse said you will be very fertile for 3-4 months so make sure you use protection. um yeah. But I was trying to get pregnant, my first cost about a grand to conceive with clomid and iui. Why would I use protection if I will be extremely fertile. Besides my midwife already said although some people will say you need to wait a few months there is no evidence that supports them.
I was told to allow for at least one menstruation between the d&c and trying to conceive. My response was "I have a 6 month old, what makes you think I'll have any chance of it anyway?"

but the d&c was painless, and I was relieved to get it over with by that point because I'd already seen that my baby was no longer alive and I couldn't start to heal and recover until it was done and I was back home.
Don't worry about the op, you will be unconscious and it will be fine.

I have PCOS and getting pregnant at all was a miracle, never mind 3 times in consecutive years, so there is a lot of hope. I hope next time works out for you.
ebwy2- CONGRATS!!!!! I hope you have a very uneventful pregnancy and birth!

livinzoo- I am so sorry to hear your news, but it seems like you have a great attitude about the whole thing. I hope you have no troubles getting pregnant again. I was told to wait one cycle after my miscarriages as well, but I don't remember doing so? I've got a 12 lb 6 week old today
ebwy2- CONGRATS!!!!! I hope you have a very uneventful pregnancy and birth!

thanks. I'm struggling to not think the worst, thanks to the system over here I can't see a midwife (they are the primary care people for pregnancy, not just the giving birth part) for 2 weeks, then she has to book me a scan... I was supposed to get an early scan this time around but by the time that happens I'll be about 12 weeks pregnant anyway and that's when everyone gets a scan.

Never thought I'd be happy to feel nauseous and throwing up, but as long as the morning-noon-and-night sickness (coz morning sickness doesn't cover it) continues I have reason to be positive about it.

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