Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Livinzoo, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard that can be. I'll be praying for you for sure!

congrats to Ebwy2 or your good news :)

I am 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Have our Midwife hired and so looking forward to the rest of this pregnancy :)
I happened to stumble onto this thread. The joys of pregnancy.... hopefully tomorrow I'll get a chance to read everyone's posts and get to know each of you. Good luck to all!
Livinzoo, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know how hard that can be. I'll be praying for you for sure!

congrats to Ebwy2 or your good news :)

I am 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow. Have our Midwife hired and so looking forward to the rest of this pregnancy :)

Livinzoo, I am so sorry, thinking of you and sending prayers.

Congrats Jamie, Ebwy and Kelly!
I did not sleep again last night, this boy is so active he is keeping me up. They say I am 26 weeks.
I've been MIA for a while, I thought I would make an update, I am in the 7th month now, have a very, very active baby boy inside and everything checks out right on target, very healthy and pretty ideal with the slightly anemic exception which is normal, I hear. I wanted to know if anyone else lives on tums or if anyone else takes pepcid for their acid reflux? My nurse recommended I try that since my reflux keeps waking me up and is almost constant. Its a little worrying because pepcid ac (which is double the strength as regular) says to consult a doctor before taking if you're pregnant, which I guess sounds like its ok since I was given the suggestion in the first place... but I'm still uneasy about that uncertainty.

Also, I'm worried that my negativity and critical behavior may be affecting my pregnancy and the baby. Does anybody have any thoughts on whether that is possible or how much it affects things? I've been pretty bummed about how much my body has changed and how much I can't seem to do anymore and how long its taken for my bathroom remodel to get done and my how my nursery renovation has been a total nightmare... I just know its all made me very negative and unhappy at times. I'm really happy I'm pregnant and that its going well, but for me, there always seems to be something...

Its good to hear how many of you are doing, its so unfortunate how others have had to face reproductive problems, my heart goes out to you. My sister tried and failed for over a decade and finally did a.i., so she has one daughter... all other attempts have failed since... its been hard to watch and tough to navigate emotionally, especially since I got pregnant so easily.
Hi sore thumb. I am having horrible acid reflex also. It gets so painful. I was drinking peppermint tea which was working great and sucking on peppermint lifesavers but I'm out of both. Everytime I'm at the store I forget or they are out (small town).

Neither of us have had much sleep this whole week. I am so tired but I know as soon as I lay down the acid reflex will act up and the baby will be active all night kicking and moving. He seems to be calm most of the day and active all night.

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