Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

That would be horrible to have that happen. Luckily she got help fast. That would be a lot of stress to go through when finding out that the baby isn't alive and then have your life on the line. The poor father must of been scared out of his mind.

With me trying to plan getting pregnant has me a little bit as ease since I will be on prenatals and be keeping a watch on what I eat ahead of time. My sister didn't know she was pregnant for a few months since she has an abnormal cycle. She was eating her usual junk food but luckily wasn't drinking at the time. She did quit smoking when she found out till after the baby was born. From what I've heard from my sister's labor was no one was there at the time that could do an epidural and the cord was wrapped around her neck. They had the hurry and cut the cord as soon as they seen the cord. She got very lucky that she had a healthy girl who is now a 9 year old. Time flies by so quick. I still remember changing her exploded diapers when I was baby sitting.
You DON'T want to hear my labor story-trust me!

Prenatals are vitamins, so I would think it couldn't hurt to be taking them, even if you aren't pregnant.

My friend Sarah found out last week that her baby has died. She was 18 or 19 weeks (due in October). She hadn't felt the baby moving and went to the doctor where they confirmed it.

They have 1 girl (age 12) and 5 younger boys-they were really hoping this was another girl, but I'm not sure they know yet what it was.
Another friend was pregnant, but suspecting something was wrong. They did an ultrasound and confirmed it-everything formed properly except there was no baby. They told her she could wait and miscarry on her own, or do a D&C. She chose to wait. Last week she went back to the doctor and they did another U.S. and told her that because of the way things looked, there was a great risk of hemorrhaging so she really should do a D&C. She scheduled it for last Friday morning. Friday morning, as she was getting ready to leave, she started bleeding very heavy so they left early. Her husband called the hospital and a nurse told them to stop at the nearest fire station and get an ambulance-which saved her life. When they arrived at the hospital, she was losing consciousness. Her blood type is A-, which is extremely rare, and they had none available. They did a transfusion into her jugular vein of another blood type, and then did the D&C. She was in ICU over the weekend in critical condition, but she came home yesterday-very weak, of course, but doing much better!
Thank the Lord for miracles!

It makes me appreciate the healthy baby that I will soon be able to bring home even more (aches and pains and all!)!!!
Ugh! I hate hearing stories about the baby dying after the 1st trimester!
Not that I wish a miscarriage on anyone, but 25% of pregnancies that are started end in a miscarriage in the first trimester, so the odds are there. But to be only a few weeks from a viable baby...ugh!

I'm 31.5 weeks, baby girl is more active than ever, and I am HOT down here in FL. We're looking at July 28th as induction day if she hasn't made an entrance on her own.
Ok, I guess I get to join this club now...those of you who know me on other forums, please refrain from saying anything there, as I haven't gotten the news to some people yet. Most people actually, since I just found out.
I'm maybe 6 weeks along, so still a little tenative to share, but I have some concerns.
I know I shouldnt scoop litterpans, but what about chickens? What kind of risks do my chickens pose?
Ok, I guess I get to join this club now...those of you who know me on other forums, please refrain from saying anything there, as I haven't gotten the news to some people yet. Most people actually, since I just found out.
I'm maybe 6 weeks along, so still a little tenative to share, but I have some concerns.
I know I shouldnt scoop litterpans, but what about chickens? What kind of risks do my chickens pose?
I have never heard of any reasons to be careful, however, because I don't know, if I were you, I would wear gloves and wash hands. Onhe can never be too careful!!

We have our 6th grandchild due 11/1!!
Ok, I guess I get to join this club now...those of you who know me on other forums, please refrain from saying anything there, as I haven't gotten the news to some people yet. Most people actually, since I just found out.
I'm maybe 6 weeks along, so still a little tenative to share, but I have some concerns.
I know I shouldnt scoop litterpans, but what about chickens? What kind of risks do my chickens pose?
Litter boxes are ok as long as you wear gloves and wash hands afterwards. Common sense mainly with the chickens, wash hands if you get poo on them, wear a face mask if you're going to stir up a bunch of dust cleaning the coop or something. I do everything I've always done, including lugging around my feed sacks (Dr. says no problem since my body was already use to it) and I'm now 33 weeks. It is getting difficult to hug my feed sack against my belly though.
Ok, I guess I get to join this club now...those of you who know me on other forums, please refrain from saying anything there, as I haven't gotten the news to some people yet. Most people actually, since I just found out.
I'm maybe 6 weeks along, so still a little tenative to share, but I have some concerns.
I know I shouldnt scoop litterpans, but what about chickens? What kind of risks do my chickens pose?

I asked my midwife about chickens while pregnant with Alden. She said that it should not be a problem as long as I feel up to cleaning out the coop. Of course, wear a dust mask and gloves as you normally would. Congrats!l
Well, the time has come!
I am supposed to go in on Sunday evening and be induced first thing Monday morning. Hopefully we will have a new baby by Monday evening-although it usually happens early the next morning!
Well we are now officially six months into this "paper pregnancy" (ie waiting to be chosen by an expectant mom to adopt her baby). Its been a strange wait. Having a toddler running around has kept me really busy which means time has flown by. But I still wonder if our baby is out there somewhere. I've never been pregnant so all this waiting around and thinking about babies is new to me! (Our wait with our daughter was crazy short- like six weeks)
I am finding new ways to survive the wait but there are days where its really hard.
I can't wait to be able to come on here and say "he/she's here!!!"

If anyone wants to see our page its
or we have a facebook page too. If anyone wants to "share" our page I would appreciate it! Maybe you know someone who knows someone who is looking for a family with chickens!

We are hoping for an open adoption where there is an ongoing relationship with the birthmom.

Thanks!! And congrats to all the new moms/new babies!
Well we are now officially six months into this "paper pregnancy" (ie waiting to be chosen by an expectant mom to adopt her baby). Its been a strange wait. Having a toddler running around has kept me really busy which means time has flown by. But I still wonder if our baby is out there somewhere. I've never been pregnant so all this waiting around and thinking about babies is new to me! (Our wait with our daughter was crazy short- like six weeks)
I am finding new ways to survive the wait but there are days where its really hard.
I can't wait to be able to come on here and say "he/she's here!!!"

If anyone wants to see our page its
or we have a facebook page too. If anyone wants to "share" our page I would appreciate it! Maybe you know someone who knows someone who is looking for a family with chickens!

We are hoping for an open adoption where there is an ongoing relationship with the birthmom.

Thanks!! And congrats to all the new moms/new babies!
I hope everything works out soon for you. Actually seems like it would of been faster the second time than the first.

I'm in the waiting game again to see if I had any luck this month. Should know around the 30th. We put more effort into trying this time.

I think my husband is getting into the wanting a baby mood. He seen a plush Yoda pal when we were following his sister around Walmart. He went over, picked it up, and was looking at it. Then he thought $20 was kind of expensive for a plush toy so he put it back. A few minutes later he goes back over and puts it in the cart. He said it was cute and if we do have kids they can have it. I've been picking on him about buying a baby toy. One thing good is it doesn't have any plastic parts on it. Then later that night he ended up watching Brides Maids. He knew it was sort of a girly comedy but he wanted to see it really bad. I'm thinking my husband is becoming a big softy.
I'm 23 weeks today. and it feels like no-one, including the baby's father, wants to know how I'm doing. So you guys can hear it.

If I go into labour, the baby has a 25% chance of survival from this stage of pregnancy.

so that's good.

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