Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

I'm not sure how long I will have between kids. This one was a clomid/IUI baby and I'm hoping the next 2 don't take as much to conceive. Everyone that hears me say I'm 32 and expecting my first child and want two more tell me that I better get on it.
STILL hainging in there, still pregnant, baby and i are still happy and doing fine. Induction date, if I have not given birth by then, is Nov 1st.

I feel huge and have worn out some of my maternity clothes.... I have to go shopping.

i have an ear infection and bronchitis right now- other then that I feel wonderful.

I am ready. So, so ready.
babers is kicky and very strong, my husband likes to put his head on my belly and she will push his head away with her feet.

My little 5 year old princess talks to her, rubs the tummy, and says "COME OUT! We have CANDY! And TOYS! And a PONY!!!!!"

SHe is very concerned about how she will get out. I told her though the birth canal, just like when the goats have their kids. She got upset and said, NO, not the barn mommy, you go to the hospital!!!! Cutie.

We DID gt two newborn pygmies last week. 1.5 and 1.75 lbs each. Perfect timing. I'll go post pics in the other animals thread. My city friend calls them "purse goats" and thinks they could be a new fad among city granola types.....
littlefarm_bighappy- that is so cute!

I have 9 weeks till my guess date. I'm hoping she at least comes this year. We will be trying some natural induction methods when the date gets closer.
Your guess date? Haven't you been going to an OB?

Can't wait to see the pics of all the new babies! Wyatt rolled over for the first time this morning. I fell like I don't even have a baby any more, he's getting so big.

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