Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Oh yay!!! I have been doing all this reading on it, including the number of circumcisions dropping in the US down to something like 32% in 2010. I do not remember if that was a good solid number or not. When I ask friends, though, most of them have done it. So I was kinda feeling like the odd man out -- that completely didn't matter, we still aren't doing the procedure. It's nice to hear that my hubby and I are not the only ones keeping our guys intact.
I do live in a high circ state, so that's part of it.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! A pregnant ladies dream! Enjoy your day.
here in the uk circumcision isn't common - it's mainly done for religious reasons or medical. I've never seen a circumcised one. Our old men in nursing homes don't have an infections problem (I have friends who work in care homes so would have heard).

I don't understand why anyone would get it done to their baby. Cultural differences again, I suppose.
America is the only place where it is common, but it is getting less common. Issues can arise when the intact male is not properly cared for. It's simple to care for, but in America, we (parents and the medical community) are absolutely full of the wrong info on care. So sometimes things are done that can unknowingly cause damage and problems can arise from that.
my grandson , his father and fathers family are all uncircumsized... my dad did himself when he was a teen because his mom wouldnt take him to get it done after he got tired of infections.
I left it up to my husband to decide about circumcision, I figure he's the one with the goods and he could decide. He wanted to go for it. I felt bad for the little guy when he was born, but it didn't seem to bother him.
We do-I worked in a nursing home and the men who were not circumcised got infections quite often. Men who were circumcised very seldom did (if ever-I can't remember ANY that did). It didn't seem to matter whether they took care of themselves or whether the nursing staff did. I know it is a long time till that part of life, but in my experience it is cleaner and healthier. I have also read several articles that say wives of uncircumcised men have a much greater risk of cervical cancer.

x2. My son was circumsized and hardly even made a peep. I have friends whose kids are in high school and 2 of the boys decided they wanted to have it done b/c they were embarrassed to be the only kids in the locker room without it...it was a LOT more painful at that age. JMHO.

I'm just over 4 weeks pregnant and 1 of my older clients asked me today when I was due.
Now I'm wondering if I'm "glowing" or just fat.
Sometimes I think older women know something...I had a few people do that to me really early in my last pregnancy. Whatever.
We didn't circumcise our little guy and have no plans to if we have any other boys. it's way more common up here in the PNW not too. My husband's English and isn't as almost no one over there is unless it's due to religious beliefs. He's never had an issue with cleanliness or disease. It's possible but honestly I feel like you have to be a pretty dirty bird for that to be the case.
Hope everybody had a nice Thanksgiving! My little guy definitely moves often, but with less vigor than his sisters. I swear I was growing two hopping frogs when pregnant with each of them!
Myabe he'll be laid back.

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