Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.


I hope you and KellyHM both have easy labors. You don't have much more to go either.

I'm about on the fourth month at actually trying using OV kits and prenatals vitamins without any luck. It was about 4-5 months before I started using OV kits that we stopped not trying to not get pregnant. I'm a little worried. Maybe after this month we will get tested just to make sure there isn't anything wrong. I've never taken a BC pill so I figured I'd have an easy time getting pregnant. Might be due to the stress of us getting everything set up to build a house.
Don't stress it. That's my best advice. We tried for over 3 years. I went to tons of Dr.'s appts. Tons of tests. Tons of everyting. I finally promised my Dr. I wouldn't get pregnant (they thought I had ovarian cancer) and BAM. Pregnant. lol
2 years 3 months? that's about the same age gap as between my son and the new one... it's going to be "fun"
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2 years 3 months? that's about the same age gap as between my son and the new one... it's going to be "fun"
Well I'll let you test the waters first. If they turn out to be too difficult I might just run away from home. ;) j/k
I'm hoping my son doesn't deal with TOO much jealousy. I'm also hoping he potty trains well. I am going to HATE having 2 kids in diapers at the same time. At least they'll be close enough in age to be good friends. They have no choice. Where we live it's together or be totally alone. Poor kids!
Well I'll let you test the waters first. If they turn out to be too difficult I might just run away from home. ;) j/k
I'm hoping my son doesn't deal with TOO much jealousy. I'm also hoping he potty trains well. I am going to HATE having 2 kids in diapers at the same time. At least they'll be close enough in age to be good friends. They have no choice. Where we live it's together or be totally alone. Poor kids!

LOL you are too kind!

10 weeks to go here... eldest isn't going to be toilet trained in that time.

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