Expectant parent club! Where the pregnant people hang out.

Hey all! Great news, count me back in! Our first baby boy Montgomery is about to turn 8 months old and we just found out that we are 9 weeks pregnant!
The babes will be 15 months apart. I am currently still nursing and plan to until he is about a year old. I want to wean about that time so I can have a little break before the babe is born. We are a busy household already and it looks like it will be busier come May!
Hey all! Great news, count me back in! Our first baby boy Montgomery is about to turn 8 months old and we just found out that we are 9 weeks pregnant!
The babes will be 15 months apart. I am currently still nursing and plan to until he is about a year old. I want to wean about that time so I can have a little break before the babe is born. We are a busy household already and it looks like it will be busier come May!

Congrats!! I wish you luck. You're only a few weeks behind me.
Hello everyone! Figured it's about time for me to actually post. :) I am 12 weeks along with my second child.

Crkote- looks like we are going to be fairly close together. :).

My son Toby is going to be 23 months when this baby is born. DH and I are thrilled! Can't wait to find out gender. I have a feeling this time is a girl. I have been craving carbs and a certain amount of sweets. I actually woke up and started baking cookies yesterday morning. Totally out of character for me. I like to bake but other things usually trump cookies. Like making DH a lunch to take to work.
I never had food cravings and aversions like this before! I can't stand solid meats (steak, chicken breast, etc). Melted cheese sends me running and just about everything smells strange. But I really want an overstuffed baked potato right now. DH is picking up potatoes on his way home. :lol:

Also, anyone else out there crying over things that you would never have blinked at before? We went to see Wreck it Ralph and I actually teared up during the climactic scene in sugar rush. :rolleyes: I've woken up crying a few times too. No reason. DH doesn't get it. He wants me to wake him up when that happens (I think he wants to comfort me, but I am not upset!)

Who else out there is dealing with out of control hormones?
Ok, I might be joining the club. I just took an evening pregnancy test, only because my DH was saying I was acting pregnant, and I got a faint positive! I only took the test to prove him wrong, and it backfired. I must be really fertile, since this is my second baby conceived while on birth control! I had my IUD taken out about a month ago, it fell out of place and have been on the pill since. I now wonder when this happened! So here comes baby number three
Ok, I might be joining the club. I just took an evening pregnancy test, only because my DH was saying I was acting pregnant, and I got a faint positive! I only took the test to prove him wrong, and it backfired. I must be really fertile, since this is my second baby conceived while on birth control! I had my IUD taken out about a month ago, it fell out of place and have been on the pill since. I now wonder when this happened! So here comes baby number three :th

BC just doesn't work for some people. Had a friend who's wife conceived 4 times on three different types of BC. Pill, patch, IUD. She tried 2 different types of pill. They love their kids, but Yeesh! She could have used a better break between them.
I never had food cravings and aversions like this before! I can't stand solid meats (steak, chicken breast, etc). Melted cheese sends me running and just about everything smells strange. But I really want an overstuffed baked potato right now. DH is picking up potatoes on his way home.

Also, anyone else out there crying over things that you would never have blinked at before? We went to see Wreck it Ralph and I actually teared up during the climactic scene in sugar rush.
I've woken up crying a few times too. No reason. DH doesn't get it. He wants me to wake him up when that happens (I think he wants to comfort me, but I am not upset!)
Who else out there is dealing with out of control hormones?
I got crying out of no where a few weeks ago. Luckily that was the only time.

Congrats ebwy2!!!

I'm starting to get frustrated. I finally got my insurance and then tried calling up doctors that take it and no one is accepting new patients that I got a hold of. What made it worse is I got my husband's bronchitis Friday and had to go to someone that wasn't an gynocologist to get meds. Hopefully they won't hurt the baby. The pharmacy said I could take them since I asked to be sure. My husband has had the bronchitis for almost 4 weeks and is just now getting over it. I couldn't last another day coughing till I threw up multiple times for 2 hours in the morning and again at night. I have to blame the relaxed esphagus muscles for not keeping the food down. Couldn't keep my prenatals down either. I'm going to be 15 weeks Thursday and don't know what I have in me cause no one is taking anyone in. Tomorrow I'm going to start calling the places 40 minutes from here to see if I can get in. Sorry about that rank.
I got crying out of no where a few weeks ago. Luckily that was the only time.

Congrats ebwy2!!!

I'm starting to get frustrated. I finally got my insurance and then tried calling up doctors that take it and no one is accepting new patients that I got a hold of. What made it worse is I got my husband's bronchitis Friday and had to go to someone that wasn't an gynocologist to get meds. Hopefully they won't hurt the baby. The pharmacy said I could take them since I asked to be sure. My husband has had the bronchitis for almost 4 weeks and is just now getting over it. I couldn't last another day coughing till I threw up multiple times for 2 hours in the morning and again at night. I have to blame the relaxed esphagus muscles for not keeping the food down. Couldn't keep my prenatals down either. I'm going to be 15 weeks Thursday and don't know what I have in me cause no one is taking anyone in. Tomorrow I'm going to start calling the places 40 minutes from here to see if I can get in. Sorry about that rank. 

I feel you. I changed my coverage and found out after that my prior ob didn't accept the change. Tricare prime to standard. Wouldn't think that would make that big of a difference off base, but... It took me two weeks of research to find a doc and I really lucked out! This doc has a single doctor practice and was accepting new patients. And his staff is completely comfortable working the Tricare system. The rave reviews on the doctor rating site were nice too! I will see if I can find that site, it may help...

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