Fancy Pigeons Thread!!

Ok I am a newbie to the pigeons! I currently do not own any but would like to get some to show!! I would love to get these breeds:
Russian tumbler
Hungarian giant
Pretty much I want the "fancy/exotic" looking birds!! I just want a few to start with, but my questions are.....
How do I get started?
What does it entail?
How do I get show quality birds?
Are live birds shipped?
Which of these breeds(or any fancy kind) are the best to start with? 
Where are when/where are shows and how do I enter?

I am in the panhandle of Texas and I'm very excited to start:)
So pretty these birds, maybe I should consider pigeons? I was thinking bantam hens, but a couple pigeons might be just as nice, I know nothing about pigeons though.
Ok I am a newbie to the pigeons! I currently do not own any but would like to get some to show!! I would love to get these breeds:
Russian tumbler
Hungarian giant
Pretty much I want the "fancy/exotic" looking birds!! I just want a few to start with, but my questions are.....
How do I get started?
What does it entail?
How do I get show quality birds?
Are live birds shipped?
Which of these breeds(or any fancy kind) are the best to start with?
Where are when/where are shows and how do I enter?

I am in the panhandle of Texas and I'm very excited to start:)
There are different clubs you would do well to join. National and local. They will help you with raising, breeders, and showing. Especially shows.

Contact a breeder that has what you want. Most breeders ship all the time. They take care of it, you pay box, shipping and birds. The birds will be shipped to your P.O. within a couple of days for pickup. FB pigeon groups,, and are probably all you'll need to find what you want. Other than local sources.

If you can raise chickens you can raise pigeons. Showing is essentially the same for both species. But that comes after you learn to raise them.

Generally speaking, the less ornamentated and extreme the breed you choose, the better your learning curve will go.

Hope that's of some help. There are tons of articles out there that will tell you all you need to know and more. Call on Dr. Google!
I am no expert in the show ring and I have never shown a bird at a competition.

That being said:
I received some advice about how to prepare for a show. You should clean their feet, trim toe nails and beak, give them a bath (no feather lice) about a week before the show, and alcohol/water will keep their feet clean.
Spot-clean pigeons to remove staining (especially on white feathers). Use a mild shampoo (a non-medicated pet shampoo works well). Dampen a paper towel or soft cloth with warm water and a small amount of shampoo. Hold the pigeon and dab at the stained feather(s). Rinse the cleaned area with a spray of water or a wet clean cloth, avoiding the bird's face. Let the bird dry naturally.
Are you putting some birds in a show? I hope this will help you, and good luck in the show. At times some feathers are beyond cleaning or repair myself I just pull them out (making sure there is no blood in the shaft).
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Thanka alot
I want help guys my fantail pigeon is not well, water is dripping out of its beak and eyes.and its just standing at one place,quite lazily. Plz help me out nd tell me what to do.
I'm contemplating buying some Classic Old Frills. Is there anything about this breed that I should be leery of?
go to the website then see if you can find charles hana lives around admirilo spellling not right but you know there is a show in dumas if you cannt find him let me know there are some very good breeders of some of the breed s mentioned close to you

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