Farm name help

How about Woodys fluff and stuff. Having silkys myself fluff is what I sometimes call them due to their just a fluff ball and the stuff would be anything else you raise
The Plunderosa.
The Peep Show. (all kinds of customers)
Fuzz Butt Farm

I could go on, but why? I have too much time on my hands.
I like fuzz butt farms!

I googled fancy feathers farm. several farms are already named that.
I have 4 names: cyprus silkies, seaside silkies, rainbow ranch which my family likes, and fuzz butt farms on pieces of paper and I am just going to pull one out of a hat. I'm not very good at deciding. It would take me months if I did not do this.
I pulled out seaside silkies
Yay! I think it will be a great farm name. Thanks everyone for your opinions and suggestions. I already started making the website and its beach themed.

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