Farm vs. Feed Store chickens


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2015
Arlington, TX
We're looking to buy gentle, egg laying hens. We'll not be showing the ladies or entering them into any contests...there are several feed stores much closer to us than farmers. What should we be looking for or asking at the feed stores? Are feed stores good places to purchase hens? Pros and cons?

Personally I would find a local breeder to buy from. I've raised chicks from many sources in the past, and the ones I have purchased from local breeders have always been thriftier and done better. Feed store chicks are shipped in from a large hatchery, don't get optimum care, and than are moved again to their new home, which is very stressful for them. If you can find a good reputable breeder nearby that would be the best. However many people prefer to buy feed store chicks just because it is convenient, and some what less risky. I'm not sure if this goes for every where, but none of feed stores around here sell chicks except for in the spring. Hope this helps!
Hi! You're looking for gentle and should consider your climate and housing as well. Here's a couple links to help you choose breed(s) :

If you're looking to get hens that are already at or close to point of lay (POL) you might do very well finding them locally. There are TONS of private breeders in Tx. You can wander around and give a shout out on these threads Here's a link
If you are looking for babies, some breeds are easy to sex, some not. Depending on the breed you choose, could be chancy trying to buy all female babies from a local breeder...If you buy from a feed store or hatchery, some are "straight run", 50/50 chance male/female. Some are "straight run", those have been sexed and are female. Best of luck to you.

Edit to correct second "some are" to say "pullets"
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I bought from a local hardware store. I learned that my chicks all came from a hatchery. I was sold 2 chicks that were suppose to be Delaware and they weren't, one passed, the other is alive and well, she is a leghorn. I also learned that what was sold to me as Ameraucanas were NOT true Ameraucanas, but they are mixed breed (easter eggers). I wasn't thrilled at all with the EE incident, but I love my girls. They are on the small side and I have NOT had luck integrating them with my bigger girls (and 1 boy, buff orpington, and I decided to keep him) yet because they are so small compared to them. One of the younger chicks not only ended up being a cockerel, but a RIR, which I never wanted to buy. I had to bring him back.

If you really want specific breed I would look into locals rather than feed store hatchery. It's all just my opinion based on my experience though. I love my chickens, don't get me wrong, but I'm not thrilled with some things and will be applying what I learned to any future flock. Now, that being said, I was looking for very very specific things when I was trying to get mine. I was looking for specific breeds. For some people it's not an issue, but because I was looking for specific breeds and thing it made a difference to me.

Also, if you buy from a feed store you need to make sure you're not buying straight run or you might end up with more cockerels than pullets. I bought what was suppose to be pullets and still ended up with 2 cockerels. It's not 100% guarantee, but it does (imo) get you closer to having all girls.
My experience is much like that of chickmomma03, there are too many fingers in the chick pie and some don't even know what kind of pie it is, or rather was supposed to be. In my Delaware's we ended up with two Cornish Cross, my Barred Rock's had a Black Australian Asterlop, we got two mystery black roosters with them as well. The Delaware's did not color up properly, very poorly marked.

If I had known, and had an source local, I would go that route. Everyone meaning well… does not mitigate the displeasure of buying birds you did not intend to. It is good you have grown attached to them… I enquired about the mixup, they told me the were just chickens.

I hope regardless of what you do, your experience is better,


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