Fatty liver disease/rupture?


Apr 23, 2022
Hello, all. Last week my 2yo brahma suddenly fell ill. She became lethargic, her comb turned pale, and she stopped eating. She's been like this for at least a week. She only takes a few sips of water. She can stand and walk slowly but lays down most of time. At first I thought it was something intestinal because her butt feathers were covered in poop so I thought diarrhea. I did give her Corid for 5 days but it didn't help at all. I've been researching all the infectious diseases but she doesn't have any upper respiratory symptoms. I came across fatty liver rupture and I think that may be the cause. I think she was overweight because most nights she wasnt able to jump onto the roosting bar anymore. I argue with my dad because I want to feed them chick starter but he just wants to feed them scratch grains because that's what they did in the "rancho" and he thinks it is healthier so a lot of times they get both :(

Anyway, is there anyway to help her at this point? If it indeed is a rupture can it heal on it's own or will she just bleed out? Can a vet be able to determine if there is a rupture? If there is no cure, I don't want her to suffer anymore.

Hope someone can reply. Thanks in advance.
Okay, after more research, I don't think it's a rupture because she would be dead. I was thinking maybe water belly but it doesn't feel mushy, just swollen. I was expecting that she would either recover or die by now from whatever illness this is but it doesn't like either is happening. I'll be taking her to take he to the vet tomorrow if not to cure her, then to at least determine what is wrong in case I can prevent it from happening to my other hens.

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