Faverolles Thread

At that age it is tough to say whether or not he will cam down as he matures. I keep my teenage cockerels separated from the pullets to avoid harassment. Is he your only Fav cockerel?

Yes he is the only Fav cockerel, I also have one Faverolles pullet and she is his polar opposite. Not neurotic at all, very calm and sweet. She will actually run to my chair and fly onto my lap when he is harassing her. They are the same age. I wanted to breed them, but if this is how he acts, I don't know if I can keep him let alone reproduce!

I can create a separation if necessary, I just hoped to keep them as one big unit for as long as I can, or until it becomes a problem.

This is (in my opinion) my prettiest pullet. What does everyone else think. I'm kinda new at this.

I've just got two female favs from auction
They seem big and fluffy but lighter weight than they look
Love the chubby cheeks and calm character
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Yes he is the only Fav cockerel, I also have one Faverolles pullet and she is his polar opposite. Not neurotic at all, very calm and sweet. She will actually run to my chair and fly onto my lap when he is harassing her. They are the same age. I wanted to breed them, but if this is how he acts, I don't know if I can keep him let alone reproduce!

I can create a separation if necessary, I just hoped to keep them as one big unit for as long as I can, or until it becomes a problem.
Hi, Where are You located and maybe we can find someone close to You who may have Faverolles just in case…I don't think i have had this attitude happen with my Fav. boys. had lots….I do have one Favs Rooster who has kinda and i have done the same take em down, but he is also flanked by 2 fairly rowdy boys so is protective with his girls, is fine and ignores me when they are out free ranging.

When Your boy was younger, did you fawn over him….wing dipping is something boys do to their girls, shouldn't be to You…sounds confused.

Were both your Fav. girl and boy from the same breeder/hatchery?
Hi, Where are You located and maybe we can find someone close to You who may have Faverolles just in case…I don't think i have had this attitude happen with my Fav. boys. had lots….I do have one Favs Rooster who has kinda and i have done the same take em down, but he is also flanked by 2 fairly rowdy boys so is protective with his girls, is fine and ignores me when they are out free ranging.

When Your boy was younger, did you fawn over him….wing dipping is something boys do to their girls, shouldn't be to You…sounds confused.

Were both your Fav. girl and boy from the same breeder/hatchery?

I won an auction here on BYC, the breeder has really pretty birds... out of I think 9 eggs, just two hatched and so they are related.

It sounds like this isnt exactly typical behavior, and from my experience he's a lot more extreme than any cockerel I have had. which to me is odd, since the breed is known for being docile. I had really wanted to breed them so it is disappointing.

thanks for sharing about your males elizmartin, and I would really like to know about how everyone else's fav males behave too

what does fawn over him mean? he was brooded indoors with about 20 others. I don't handle them a lot as chicks, but I would feed them oatmeal out of my hand so they wouldn't fear the hand.
Now, I spend time with them either sitting in my chair or in the grass. I don't hold or pet them, but sometimes they hop into my lap (usually hens not males). I have recently put extra effort into this Fav cockerel, doing the body pinned to the ground discipline as well as the "football hold" where you carry him facing backwards to assert dominance. if any of these things will ruin a chicken tell me now, I am still learning!
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It sounds like this isnt exactly typical behavior, and from my experience he's a lot more extreme than any cockerel I have had. which to me is odd, since the breed is known for being docile. I had really wanted to breed them so it is disappointing.
I haven't seen this type of behavior either. Along the way I have had a small few that were nasty and they were culled. I am surprised the mature hens put up with it. I would have expected them to put him in his place.
Farmer Viola, i don't think anything You have shared would have ruined Your chickens…there can be many reasons somebody turns out odd, hereditary, enviornmental, peer pressure, feed mix, something during the egg/hatching process,….We are all learning….If he should at any time fly at You with the intent to spur You or take You on,,,,,that would not be normal Faverolle behavior. They are primarily a gentle breed. Best of Luck, eliz
Sorry to hear about your cockerel!
Hmmm, never had a mean faverolles... I dont know what would make yours spaz. Hereditary/ and too much competition between males would be my guess, but yours doesnt have competition.

The only mean roosters I have ever dealt with where from my black copper marans. I dont breed them any more, I just didnt like dealing . It didnt seem to matter what I did... handle them as the grew, or just leave them to grow out... they would just get mean. Since it happened more then once, I reasoned it was genetics.
Amy recommendations for raising cockerals to be the most docile? More handling as chicks? Less handling? (I have 12 LF SF two weeks old of which I am sure I will have my fair share of boys!)

I will have to post pics this weekend for assistance on boy/girl. There are a couple that are obviously girls, but quite a few that are uncertain. Seem to have lots of mottled black in primaries but then beige/cream/ some white/gray in the secondaries?
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I just recieved a dozen Salmon Faverolle eggs in the mail last week. They're in the 'bator and I'm hoping for at least 4 (never shipped before). I plan to start breeding them once I can get a roo from another line. :)

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