February Hatch-A-Long

Omg, one of the chicks just died. I just heard sudden frantic peeping and looked, and it was on its back. Then it stumbled around the cage and lost energy until it began gasping and then passed.

It was the smallest, and I think the one born a day later than the rest. Sudden heart failure in a weak chick? None of the other chicks have been aggressive enough to hurt it that I've seen.
Aww that stinks for sure. Sorry for your loss. Could have been a number of things. Heart, intestinal (Just starting to really eat) or basically a brain issue like a stroke. As long there isn't anything bird contagious likely was just a fluke thing.
Anywho This is the list of my possibilities in case anyone was interested
Black Copper Marans
Cuckoo Marans
Wheaton Marans
White Leghorn
Lavender Orpington
Buff Orpington
Silver Laced Wyandot
Rhode Island Red
Olive Egger
Easter Egger
Ayem Cemani
DeathLayer (only two hens in this group)
Cream Legbars
Crested Cream Legbar
Salmon Feverolle
Golden Laced Wyandot
Silver Laced Wyandot
26 or more eggs altogether
Where did you buy these eggs off of? I’m guessing we bought eggs from the same person. The seller had all of those exact breeds in the same order in the description lol. It was like “Barnyard Mix 13+ eggs” if I remember correctly. I never buy eggs in fear of them getting crushed in shipping. Anyways, me being me I bought the eggs. 14 came and they were all in good condition and I let them sit for 24 hours and put them in on the second. The biggest problem was the fertilization and the amount of the same eggs I got with a huge variety of breeds that were actually listed which was a little annoying. Only 5 out of the 14 were actually fertile. I still have 5 healthy moving babies that I just put on lockdown and should hatch on Friday (22nd). If anyone wants updates feel free to ask. :jumpy
Yeah sounds like same seller likely. This time of year there is going to be fewer breeds laying steady so it's likely not the best time of year for a good mix of the breeds. I'm not super concerned with how many really hatch. This is more just for fun than anything else. If I happen to get a few I actually want to hatch I'll keep them, but others will likely just be sold cheaply at about a week old.
Ebay seller 1915farm https://www.ebay.com/sch/1915farm/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
I literally live less than 2 miles from Cackle Hatchery and they carry all but two breeds I plan to have in my meat project. None of the two I need are in this possible hatch. I likely will focus on getting those two breeds next spring early if possible.
Yeah sounds like same seller likely. This time of year there is going to be fewer breeds laying steady so it's likely not the best time of year for a good mix of the breeds. I'm not super concerned with how many really hatch. This is more just for fun than anything else. If I happen to get a few I actually want to hatch I'll keep them, but others will likely just be sold cheaply at about a week old.
Ebay seller 1915farm https://www.ebay.com/sch/1915farm/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=
I literally live less than 2 miles from Cackle Hatchery and they carry all but two breeds I plan to have in my meat project. None of the two I need are in this possible hatch. I likely will focus on getting those two breeds next spring early if possible.
Yup it’s the same seller. I also didn’t mind how many hatched because I’m literally addicted to incubating and hatching chicks for fun to see the different personalities and color of each individual chick. The only thing that aggravated me was the seller stating the amazing fertility when only 5 out of 14 were actually good. Ugh why am I an actual chicken mother :lau
Yeah, that definitely stinks the fertility was down, but I also have noticed my boy wasn't breeding near as much in December and early January than he had been in fall and before that.
Hey Savvychickz, just curious what state are you from? Wondering how far your eggs traveled compared to what mine will be starting today lol
Luckily I live in Michigan and they were from Ohio so they didn’t like go across the country lol.

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