February/March 2017 Hatch-a-long

Thanks. The picture of two pips that l showed you was twins this is the second time. they are both alive and he


Wow! Twins! Is that common? Are they smaller than normal? How interesting
I started out with 14 Black Australorp eggs, but am now down to only 5. Some were not fertile, and a couple of them were quitters. These were shipped eggs. I always do way better as for the hatch rate when I use the eggs from my own flock, though. I start lock-down on these 5 tomorrow night.
Just candeled several of our eggs, its day 9 for us.

The kids loved that fact that you could actually see the babies swimming around in the egg
I really have no self control. I managed to leave the eggs alone for a week, per instructions I found online about hatching shipped turkey eggs. Today's the day to start turning them, which I'm doing with a towel under one end of the carton. I wasn't supposed to candle. But I had to sneak a peek at a few of them. The first two were speckled eggs and I didn't see anything. The third one I saw veining on. That makes me so happy. The air cells are still super wobbly. This is my first time with shipped eggs. I'm keeping them large end up in an egg carton. Hopefully that lets everyone hatch ok.
I started another 37 on Thursday as a kind of emergency set.I have a friend who was saving eggs from his established stock, then he got a call from his son who was clearing a brush pile behind some apartments when he found a nest of 11 small white chicken eggs. He said he had seen a black hen and rooster earlier hanging around, but didn't know where the had went. So he brought the eggs home to his dad. I candled them and they all looked clear, no blood lines or dark spots. Since my incubator was already set up waiting for his eggs, we just started early with 26 of his and the 11 field eggs. Will do the first candle next Thursday and hope for the best.
I started another 37 on Thursday as a kind of emergency set.I have a friend who was saving eggs from his established stock, then he got a call from his son who was clearing a brush pile behind some apartments when he found a nest of 11 small white chicken eggs. He said he had seen a black hen and rooster earlier hanging around, but didn't know where the had went. So he brought the eggs home to his dad. I candled them and they all looked clear, no blood lines or dark spots. Since my incubator was already set up waiting for his eggs, we just started early with 26 of his and the 11 field eggs. Will do the first candle next Thursday and hope for the best.

Wouldn't it be interesting if they turn out not to be chicken eggs?

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