feeding Chickens Black pepper

Make that six! I went out to close down the coop for the night and found another egg! Woohoo
I'm VERY interested in this topic. I gained a BEAUTIFUL barred rock hen recently. A lady at church bought out an Amish farmer's whole flock because he was starting fresh. I told her how pretty I though barred rocks are and wouldn't ya know it, she brought me on the next day! Molly is lovely, however she's not laying yet. I'd like to feed the lady some pepper and see how she does.... Thanks guys!
I am soooo doing this today! I have 8 hens, and am really tired of getting 1-3 eggs per day, with the light on them!
Question...do you have extra lighting on your hens along with feeding the pepper? Wonder if...as the days grow shorter the hours chickens are awake and able to drink are fewer...could the simple fact of keeping the hens well hydrated enable their bodies to create eggs easier and more frequently?
We used to feed an old Tennessee walker mare cigs (my Dad's unfiltered camels) to worm her. Not a lot of safe and effective wormers available for non-veterinarians to administer way back then.
Took care of the chicken chores right after reading this, I have 11 ladies of laying age and get anywhere from 1-5 eggs a day. So I am giving this a shot, made sure their waterer was full...results pending LOL
.....I followed the popcorn method and I got.......NOTHING. Well maybe I need to put more pepper on....I also used red pepper. I don't add light in the winter, I think it taxes there body's and they need a break. Don't ask me why I'm trying this pepper thing then, I guess it's kind of an experiment.

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