Feel lost (got duck friend... will he be ok?)


6 Years
Mar 20, 2013
I adopted 2 chicks and 1 duck 3 weeks ago. I have been working my bum off to get my duck a friend after I realized he needed another duck friend not just a chicken. Today I finally was able to find him one... but a 2 day old hatchling.

The first while when I placed them all in the brooder together they cuddled with him, slept with him, loved on him. Left him alone. Now, about 5 hours later the 2 chicks and 1 duck are picking on him so bad! When the duck lays down and the baby comes running up my Khaki (the 3 week old) starts trying to eat him! I swear! Pecking at him like crazy and will get up and move. He keeps picking him up by his little legs and dragging him too.

My chickens don't really mind him... pecking at him every now and again if he has water droplets on him. But it seems like my other duck is not pleased at all... and all I was trying to do was get him a friend.

Things are okay right now because everyone has settled down to sleep. One of the chicks decided not to roost tonight and is cuddled with my Khaki so the little baby is snuggled up on the other side of the chick passed out. (chicks are 5 weeks old).

Will things change soon? When he gets bigger? Anything I can do?
You might just have to wait till they are older and closer in size, they might be friends then. You could divide them somehow but so they can still see each other and the younger duck isn't lonely and it won't get picked on.
Thanks, that is what I am debating on doing is placing some fencing in there to divide it. I will have to keep an eye on them tonight and see. I did take another peek at them and they are all cuddled up, the chicks decided not to roost tonight.

I noticed the more I bug them the more he gets picked on. If I leave them alone they seem to ignore him too. Weird!

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