Im unsure of how old she is...again, she's not my duck :(.. but i can try and find our from her owners next door. They're being fed a 17% layer crumble and have plenty of hay and grass to graze in. I also spoul my goose and her with a pot of veggies when i can, they especially enjoy peas and carrots, clementine, grapes and cucumbers and lettuce/ leafy greens. I'll look into the. Italian b complex. Unfortunately I don't know if it will help .. as her leg isnhealed. But it is permanently deformed and twisted. It doesn't seem to cause her pain, but I can 9magine it causes her a lot of stress. This video was also taken maybe 30 mins after I took her out of their kiddie pool. Her feathers seemed a lot more wet than they should be... they're also very thin.. I don't know.. im scared she's unhappy and sick or something. She enjoys being with my goose though, she will follow him around everywhere he goes. He goes to sit under their heat lamp... she gets up and waddles over as well. He runs outside to go swim, she will sit by the poolside and drill in the mud as he hogs the pool LOL. (Don't worry I make sure they both get ample time to swim)
She looks small and under feathered for a pekin. The super b complex is found at tractor supply or other farm supply stores. It's a 1mL does over feed or mealworms. Its liquid and the bottle says injectable, but for ducks just put on their food. She might not be eating enough. Not sure if it's because she's by herself or what. If the goose is her only pal, they should be together as that would be her "flock".
Does she have access to water at all times? That might be why her feather quality is low. I'd check for parasites as well.
You did the right thing in separating her from the drakes. They can end up seriously injuring or stressing a females out especially if she can't get away from them.
You said they get to go outside? Fresh air sunshine and good food is important.
What about molt? when did she molt? I had 1 goose for 5 yrs before I found a female for him, He was bonded to my Muscovy flock especially to the female who hatched him, So she sounds like she has bonded to your goose. Some good B complex or some really good poultry vitamins to add or alone, But molting might be whats needed for her wings.
Since she had staff infection I assume she was on medication for that? It could be the meds maybe have caused thin feathers too. Just hard to know for sure. The twitching seems alot more than would be normal though, so def check for parasites. How old is your goose? Gander or goose? My gander did breed with my Muscovy but he never injured any of them, they were quite willing.

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