In the Brooder
Sep 26, 2019
I am an FFA member, and for our AG class, we need to come up with a science fair project for the state science fair. I did one with chickens last year, and I was third at state with a shot at nationals. I am currently looking for another project that is similar but am running out of ideas. any suggestions?
I am way out of my league here not knowing exactly what you can and can not do for a science fair but one idea I thought about is having 2 sets of Meat Birds, (ducks, Turkeys Chickens Quail.. take your pick which) one group you feed high protein feed, the 2nd group you feed low protein feed. Compare prices of the feed and how much they eat and find out which group costs more per pound.
There is a lot of room for growth in evacuated solar, anything where thermal is the product form energy you are looking for it is worlds more efficient than photo-voltaic. A grain dryer, or an incubator, something applying it to Ag, but making the judges go errrrr.. For actuators you could use wax filled commercial or nitinol homemade to control a thermocoupler between a heat storage chamber and a use chamber. The thermodynamics would be simple, only the maths are complicated. A couple hundred bucks, or less with some creative scavenging, a little farmenginuity.
I just noticed this was in the Genetics section so the OP probably wants something to do with breeding and Genetics I would guess. Far from my field of expertise but if you are looking for a simple project go with the making of Sex Links... many types to go by. Black Sex Links, Red Sex Links, Black Skin Sex Links, Feather Sex Links and all the ones I do not even know about yet.
I am an FFA member, and for our AG class, we need to come up with a science fair project for the state science fair. I did one with chickens last year, and I was third at state with a shot at nationals. I am currently looking for another project that is similar but am running out of ideas. any suggestions?
Can you describe to us what you did last year?
I am an FFA member, and for our AG class, we need to come up with a science fair project for the state science fair. I did one with chickens last year, and I was third at state with a shot at nationals. I am currently looking for another project that is similar but am running out of ideas. any suggestions?

I suggest you try the "Sexing of Fertilized Eggs by Egg Shape Index"

A morphometric method of sexing white layer eggs

Excerpt: " The effect of shape index on the hatching chick sex was the most prominent factor for determining the sex of the egg in white layers"

Using a Leghorn hen(I find them to be the most suitable of breeds) and a Fibromelanistic Rooster to aid you in this test(Preferably a homozygous naked neck showgirl/Silkie), separate the eggs according to sex(by egg shape index) and hatch both and see what is the accuracy of the test(Pullets will have Black Skin, males will have clear skin).

Objective of the Project? to confirm that it's possible to apply morphometric methods to help sexing chick embryos before they develop.

1. Reducing energy requirement to hatch pullets(for every pullet needed a male chick is also incubated). Reducing environmental impact.

2. Reducing the amount of male chicks that need to be culled right after hatch(the closer the method gets to 100% the less male chicks are sacrificed)

3. Using sex linkage to aid in sexing chicks(Sex linked Dermal enhancer boosted by Fibromelanotic).

I would devide male chicks in one incubator and female chicks in a seperate incubator(side by side), time the time of hatch to the science fair day(21 days) and bring the incubators to the fair.
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