~<>~ Fight or Flight ~<>~ (A Wild Chicken Roleplay)

Can he be four years old, cause 1 month is kind of old for Valor and Serenity. Is she even laying plausible eggs? I know Valor isn't plausible for a chick one month old.) @Rubysword
Otherwise he is going to be a mottled Malay, Valors cousin. I don't know how to edit my Valor charrie, cause I don't know what page he's on.
Amethyst sits idle, which she hates, so she finds nuts. She ate one, it was delicious. She realized how hungry she was and ate some more. Then she collected as much as she could carry and goes to camp.
Dragon plots. Dragon nearly collides with someone. Dragon walls to the hole where he and Valor sometimes meets with him. Dragon does fairly unproductive stuff, cause we don't know if he is Valor's son or not.
Dragon ate something. Dragon forage. Carrying stuff to camp, he avoided Meadow, so she wouldn't make an annoying comment on him carrying in food. The food was nuts, cause berries don't last forever, and he's a practical dude. (Nothing has happened in Wing flock for the past week so I don't have charities in it. If something were to happen, I'd probably make a chick.
Dragon ate something. Dragon forage. Carrying stuff to camp, he avoided Meadow, so she wouldn't make an annoying comment on him carrying in food. The food was nuts, cause berries don't last forever, and he's a practical dude. (Nothing has happened in Wing flock for the past week so I don't have charities in it. If something were to happen, I'd probably make a chick.
I had talked with Rubysword this morning, and if it's okay with you, could I make Valor and Serenity's chick?)
Can I make the chick? If not, it doesn't matter, still making a chicken. It's kind of an old chick...
Character Form:

Name: Dragon
Age:4 years
Gender: male
Flock: Claw
Rank: Warrior
Trainer/Trainee(s): open to Trainees
Personality: Tough, and powerful, doesn't like Golden Feather, who is probably suspicious of him, but what do I know? Been in his share of fights.
Breed/Description: mottled Malay bantam.
Parents: dead
Siblings: cousin to Valor
Mate/Crush: open, but only if they like tough chicken
Chicks: no, unless he has a mate who likes tough chicken
History: his personality is his history
Other: he is one tough chicken
Winter, preoccupied with stratagems and practicalities associated with the rogue's plan, did not watch where she was going, until she bumped into a chicken she didn't recognize.(@AMERAUCANAS4REAL, is Amythest still there?)
Silverfluff leapt at the sound, and delivered a sound peck to Stripes wing. "Haha! I got you!" She exclaimed, elated at her success. "Are you ok, though?" She asked, worried for her new friend.
Username: @Rubysword
(I was thinking they might both accidentally wander too far into the woods and bump into each other, not realizing the other is from the opposite flock, and have an amiable conversation, if that is OK, @AMERAUCANAS4REAL and @RoostersAreAwesome.)
(Sounds great.)Amethyst, wanted to find something different from fruit and nuts, something more substantial. She wandered deep into the woods, and because chickens can't smell like mammals, she tripped over the border without thinking, cause she was looking for food.

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