Fires have devastated so many here

It is so hard to believe that this can happen in modern times...
Yes im not sure if any members live in the affected area, However i know one thing, that everybody I know has shed tears.
This has left a huge hole in our hearts.
The big problem was that when people tried to escape in their cars the trees were falling down on the road to block them.
Perhaps there should be a roadside tree felling operation in place so that this could never happen again.
Please God, let it rain heavily and may you bring comfort to everybody.
Unfortunately Melbourne had extreem high temps over 40c for a while and then no rain and high winds. A lot of the fires were done by fire bugs. There are still massive parts of Melbourne and surrounding areas that are still under threat. I guess unless you live in Oz you can't really understand the types of weather we get here. So much of our country has been under drought for 10 plus years all it takes is some high winds and some A-holes who think lighting fires is a fun thing to do and you have a tragedy.
Offical death toll has now climbed to 173. But in true Aussie style the country has raised over 13 million dollars to help the victims so far.
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I sat staring at my keyboard, fingers poised, but no words. I don't know what to say. I hope the authorities are able to track down the people who started some of these fires and hold them accountable for the untold amount of suffering they have caused.

My family sends thoughts and prayers for the end of this ordeal and grace to help in the healing.
yeah death toll 170+, 4 major uncontrolled fires and countless other little ones about, 80+ in hospital, 100's houses totalled, everything is just gone...i hate it when they put ppl on the news asking for their loved ones...i cant watch tears me up to think about it...who cares about the houses...u cant rebuild a person, or a famliy...bright side afl team is donating blood...which is needed money from tickets for their game on fri is going to be aussie golfer in america is donating $250k and eddie maguire is doin a show to help donate...also some american firies may be coming over here to help in 2 days...not too sure if it WILL happen...was mentioned is weve got tons of help which is great! love the aussie spirit! we are survivors!
Not sure about the worst drought ever but it is something we all live with in Australia it seems the norm to us. It does rain but no were near enough.

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