First Egg Countdown

Here are some pictures of my younger flock. they are 27 weeks and No Eggs still. I have Australorp, Bard Rock and Golden Commets. Any idea if they look even close to lying yet? Thanks!
Juni - her eggs will get larger. It's a very gradual process, and if you are not weighing them, you likely won't notice it much. Then when she goes through her first adult molt, you may see another big jump in size. (this is when my BR went to Jumbo sized eggs)

How old are Koko and Scarlett? Neither of them look red enough to be laying really soon. Maybe 2-3 weeks still? Koko looks like she'll be before Scarlett.

I did not know that eggs becomes larger after the first molt. Good to know. Thanks!

Koko and Scarlet are 19 weeks. Koko sings all day whereas Scarlet makes no sound at all. Can chicken be dumb by the way? Now I am paranoid!
So I got 1 egg Sunday night still no additional eggs but 3 of my girls are singing now but only one is squatting hopefully soon I get another egg in just thrilled i finally got one
Now, I'm confused. Is it normal to get another egg from my first layer 36 hours later and twice the size? It is another perfectly formed egg with a nice shell. I have a barred rock and a buff orpington 19 weeks tomorrow. They do have bright red cheeks but pretty small combs and nothing compared the brown sex link that layed yesterday? Any thoughts?
Now, I'm confused. Is it normal to get another egg from my first layer 36 hours later and twice the size? It is another perfectly formed egg with a nice shell. I have a barred rock and a buff orpington 19 weeks tomorrow. They do have bright red cheeks but pretty small combs and nothing compared the brown sex link that layed yesterday? Any thoughts?

You probably got a double yolker. Sometimes a potential egg gets lost in the tubing and then when the next potential egg is released, it catches up with the stalled one and they travel down together and form a double yolker. Normally and egg cycle is 24-26 hours. So your hen will lay later and later in the day until they get to about 3 or 4 o'clock and then they will skip the next day and start over early the day after. New layers will have more double yolkers because they haven't established their timing yet.
Now, I'm confused. Is it normal to get another egg from my first layer 36 hours later and twice the size? It is another perfectly formed egg with a nice shell. I have a barred rock and a buff orpington 19 weeks tomorrow. They do have bright red cheeks but pretty small combs and nothing compared the brown sex link that layed yesterday? Any thoughts?
Yep, most likely a double yolker.

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