First Egg Stories?

It was a nice, warm summer afternoon in the rural parts of Southern Illinois. My mom was talking to our "chicken sitter" since we were about to all go on a trip. (My mom was going to Florida, me and my sister were going to visit our Dad's house.) Me and my sister were petting our Black Laced Gold Wyandotte, Mac-n-Cheese.

My mom, the sitter, my sister and I all went to the walk-in coop door. She opened the door and began to point around. Pointing at where the chickens roost, where the sitter will need to pour in more bedding, and then where the chickens will lay there eggs. After she pointed at the nesting boxes, she screamed. She ran over to the boxes and picked up this beautiful, poopy, brown egg.

My legs were shaking, my sister had a shakiness to her voice. My mom took so many pictures, I did too. To this day we still don't know who layed the egg, though.

Guess what? It wasn't a "fart" egg, either. It had a medium-sized, dark orange yolk.
My first egg came from quails!
I clean my cages every week on Friday morning before garbage pick-up comes. I cleaned all my brooders with ducklings, chickens, and quails first then moved to my adult cages where my quails were kept in inside during winter. It was a wintry cold day in January. When I first started cleaning the brooders one of my adult quails was making a loud noise as if in pain or distress. So I thought maybe they want dust bathe. I gave them their dust bath pans filled and continued on with the cleaning. When I got to my adult cages, I moved all quails to a holding cage while I cleaned. I started scooping out the bedding and didn't notice the big quail egg right in my face inside the dust bath pan. I started adding new bedding and got some in their dust bath pan. So I started picking the bedding out. Then low and behold I felt a round lump in the dust. I wiped it off and it was my first quail egg! I ran throughout my house screaming "I got an egg, I got an egg" Over and over for the whole day.. I spent that whole day and night sitting in there watching my quails waiting for more eggs. When i finally called it quits , I grabbed my very first egg and started walking to my room with it..... My dog was supper hyper and ran past me and caused me to trip and .... the egg went flying.. It smacked the wall and my dog ate it.. I was so upset, but the next morning I got 4 more eggs and more and more each day because I had a lot of quails coming to laying age.
Eventually I got swamped in eggs and decided I should share my wonderful eggs with others, so I gave them to homeless people on the streets and neighbors. (I live in a area where there are a lot of homeless people, mainly from Chicago.) I actually do a "meet and eat" events for homeless people in my neighborhood. I do it 4 times a year, once on my B-day, once on the day before Easter, once on the day before thanksgiving, and once on the day before Christmas. But I never turn a hungry person down.
IMG_1469.JPG After a couple of weeks following chickens around when they are out free-ranging (making sure there are no hidden nests) I had a dream last night that I woke up to a nestbox full of eggs. Then my daughter comes in telling me she hears an egg song. I go check and no egg. After I get some coffee in me I go to the coop and sit in there, and the white leghorn I suspected would be my first layer is in the nestboxes. I sat there 15 minutes with her just sitting in the box, so I went to get more coffee. About 15 minutes later I went back and when I get to the door, I hear the egg song!! I go in and she is out of the nestboxes! I peak in and sure enough there is an egg!!
I just happened to see it and got very excited and sent pictures to everyone who might (or more likely didn't) remotely care haha.

Today I got 3 eggs for the first time. I didn't even realize one of my hens had started laying until I went inside and compared eggs. Oops. :confused::D

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