
Free Ranging
5 Years
Nov 26, 2017
Southwest Idaho
Our Golden Sex-Link, Feisty, laid her first egg this morning! :wee:clap:woot
She's about 21 weeks old. I'm SO excited! I can't wait till the others lay too.
When she went back into the coop, the others (including roo, Hector) and hung around the run until she came back.
I wonder if they didn't want to forage without her?
She made no sound at all and I wouldn't have even thought anything of it except that they never go back into the coop after I let them out until evening.
Congrats! Getting first egg is so eggciting! Is this your first ever? They taste amazing! The other hens will not go inside while another hen is laying unless it’s dire or they need to lay. They give each other privacy

Yes! First egg from my own chickens ever! I thought the other hens would continue to forage around the yard but they stayed close to the run/coop until she came out.

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