First hatch of the year.

Figured as much. I have mine on a schedule with 5 turns a day.
7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm and 7pm.
I'm not sure whether I should stagger the turning even more.

Also! I'm jelly of anyone on here that has a Brinsea! I got an LG as a gift, so I'm here, biting down on my nails.
I think I am on my way to a very serious hatching addiction. I made my first incubator (BIG incubator) 2 months ago, did my first hatch last month and now I am starting my second hatch next week with 70 EGGS! 30 silkies and 40 quail. I'm already drawing up plans for a monster size incubator that will be able to hold hundreds of eggs.

Am I crazy?
I think I am on my way to a very serious hatching addiction. I made my first incubator (BIG incubator) 2 months ago, did my first hatch last month and now I am starting my second hatch next week with 70 EGGS! 30 silkies and 40 quail. I'm already drawing up plans for a monster size incubator that will be able to hold hundreds of eggs.

Am I crazy?
Been there. I made three and have the supplies to make a 4th but then realized I don't have the room for the chicks in the winter. But when spring comes...
Question for my fellow chicken addicts here: How much are you turning your eggs and at what times?
Every morning and night. Just whenever I wake up and before I go to sleep.
My eggs that my friend hatched, did really well. Some of them were out in the cold during the day. They'll all made it to hatch. One died during zipping, all the rest still doing great. I've heard of people hatching after being in the frig. You could have a great hatch.

He usually stands on a small pen just around that corner. When I call him, he pokes his head around. It's so cute. That was what I was expecting when I recorded him. I have tried teaching my other chickens their names. They know while in the house but something happens when they live with the rest of the chickens.
I know you can take them out of the frig and hatch them, i have done it. But the weather was colder than what a frig is sat at. Plus the fertility. We will see.

That would be halirious.
I guess my incubator dropped to 80 f . (my mom is watching it while I am not home). She said she had it turned all the way up, and it wouldn't go above 80. It was fine before I left. But the temperature dropped outside and the room the incubator is in is not well insulated. At least it didn't spike.
Max picture of the day.

Blue from the coop, orange from the grilled nacho from Taco Bell. Max liked it.
awe Max! your so grown up! and quite the looker

I have my first grandchick my frizzle, Pepper's, baby hatched yesterday afternoon....needless to say she is amazing!!! pics to come

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