First time duck owner

Agree! ^ My Pekins are pretty sweet, although still skittish - they're comfortable enough with me now that if they're relaxing, I can slowly walk up to them and sit beside them, but they're not too big on being pet unless it involves treats. They're curious but definitely seem more predator-wary than chickens (although they somehow manage to miss hawks and are just afraid of me lol)
If they are still ducklings, wait until the weekend when you can be around in the morning. When their food container has inevitably run empty overnight, put their food in your hand and sit with them or put them on your lap. Pekins are highly food motivated. They will eventually want the food more than they are scared of you. If you do this routinely, they will get used to eating out of your hands. I also took advantage of when their food bowl went empty overnight. I would pull them out of the brooder and snuggle them. Then they wouldn’t be full of poop and crap all over me because their bellies were empty. Then I fed them after snuggles. The more you handle them, the more used to it they will be. They like routine, so they will get used to it if you get into the routine of handling them.
there ya go.... toke a bit of patients but it has been rewarded.

Third one happil
(Accidentally hit the post button)

Happily will also eat outta my hand, when the treats run out which take all of a blink of the eye they will just sit at the doorway and let me stroke they whilst they try to eat my hand, which is rather funny.

Ducks are hilarious and darn cute little things, (snd grow like crazy!!!) so far anyhow :D:rolleyes::thumbsup:love

Thanks for the advice.

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